Jim Ross über bahnbrechendes Projekt, Shane McMahon & CM Punk
"* neues bahnbrechendes Projekt
I need to get back to doing my homework on the WWE project that I will soon be starting that I honestly feel will be one of the most ground breaking projects that the WWE or I have personally have ever done. It's a fascinating DVD project that will be released later this year. More info as it can be made available.
* Shane McMahon bei den US Open
Nice seeing Shane McMahon on TV Sunday at the US Open Golf Championship. Shane is involved in a company the represents Rory McIlroy, Lee Westwood, Charles Swartzal, and Ernie Ells, among other top international golfers.
* CM Punk verlässt WWE
Big news out of MNR is that CM Punk is apparently leaving WWE after his MITB PPV main event in July in his hometown of Chicago with John Cena for the WWE Title. This quickly has become the talk of the business as Punk is arguably the best antagonist in the ring right now as his work Monday night in Baltimore indicated. Who knows what's going to happen in Chicago? I certainly don't. Would a Punk win change MANY things within WWE? Absolutely. Could Punk become a 'lame duck' WWE Champion? With question. Would John Cena have to carry the burden of being the guy who lost the WWE Title to a man who has nothing to lose and has publicly stated that he's leaving WWE? Yes sir. Is Punk leaving the WWE forever? I don't know as only @cmpunk can answer that one.
This I do know...the storyline between CM Punk and John Cena/WWE between now and Money in the Bank PPV should be excellent TV and I'm excited and anxious to see how it all plays out as I'm sure are many other fans. I choose not to over examine the matter and simply enjoy MNR for what it is and what this matter means within the body of the program.
Quelle: JRsBarBQ.com"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Jim Ross über bahnbrechendes Projekt, Shane McMahon & CM Punk
Interview mit Chyna, Shawn Michaels & Jeff Jarrett
"- Die ehemalige WWE Frauenweltmeisterin und Pornosternchen Joanie "Chyna" Laurer sprach bei Wrestling News Live’s Fall Out u.a. über Vivid Video, ihre Auftritte bei TNA, Eddie Guerrero, ihre Zukunft in der Erwachsenenfilmbranche sowie über eine mögliche Rückkehr zu WWE oder TNA.
* Warum sie sich für eine Zusammenarbeit mit Vivid Video entschieden hat?
Vivid is hot you know,I didn’t know anything about porn but even then I would see the calendars in the book stores and they had the billboards and the girls were plastered all over the place over Sun Set billard in front of the clubs and they (the females on the billboards) looked gorgeous.
* Auftritte bei TNA
I really didn’t know what was going to happen, I basically went to go to talk to them and I didn’t expect to be on TV that night but you know, the Pay Per View was right around the corner so I know that was the angle they wanted to do so I really don’t know what was going on behind the scenes. I knew Vince Russo and Bruce Prichard were really in my corner like wanting to make things happen so I don’t know, maybe it never surfaced as I never heard back after that but I consider it open basically.
* Arbeit mit Eddie Guerrero
Yeah it was really fun, I love the soap opera aspect so for me it was the first time we got to do vignettes and the chemistry was there and it was funny and he really taught me a lot in the ring because when we worked together is was magic. I remember Eddie taught me how to press (slam) people and the first time I pressed him, I got him up and I was trying so hard and he jumped so hard as we were practicing in the middle of the ring and I actually threw him out of the ring and he landed on the floor!. He was awesome.
* WWE Hall Of Fame
Well you know what? As far as relationships goes, I’m way over that you know, it was a typical break up in the sense of losing someone you love and the deceit and cheating yes but that happens to all of us. What was the real heart breaker for me was that I really knew in my heart it would blow over in a year or two or when we were able to pass the relationship stage that everybody goes through in a break up but because of the way business was done, I didn’t know that it would be a decade later and nobody has spoken to me I mean come on, I’m over the relationship part, it was just bad business on their part if you ask me.
* Zukunft in der Pornoindustrie
I’m hoping that’s coming my way, there is definitely talk of more and you know, I just think in a short amount of time you see how your working together and I would love to do more work with Vivid, they have treated me exceptionally, its quite glamorous I have to say, it really has been, it felt great and they treated me beyond fair and I need that, I’m on board for sure so you know, we will keep you posted, I don’t know what’s gonna happen but its looking good.
* Rückkehr zu WWE oder TNA?
Absolutely; Based upon the deal. I’ve come real far at this point in my life and I know what I want and I know what I deserve so you know, if everything was good for this point if my life, yeah of course….. I think I’m pretty reasonable; I have done a lot of things throughout my career and worked hard for my name and know my work ethic so you know I don’t know, like loreal, I guess I’m worth it but you know, you never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow.
- WWE Hall of Famer "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels äußerte sich bei Busted Open u.a. über seinen Friedensschluss mit Bret Hart, John Cena und seine Loyalität gegenüber der WWE.
* Friedensschluss mit Bret Hart
It was very genuine. He and I, we had been texting each other. I can’t give you a time frame. Some time before that you know me and Tyson Kidd were talking...Holy Cow! This whole thing needs to end. Tyson had passed his number along to me. And he and I had been texting, but not getting in to any detail, but we were testing the waters, like 'Hey, we can do this, it’s been a long time and it sucks and its time to end to end it.' We saw each other at Raw, we asked each other, but we didn’t talk about what we were going to do out there. But we did get to have a very long chat about everything and look the man in the eye and tell him I was sorry, for being a pain in his back side and it was very genuine. We have since texted one another, I think we will see each other again next week up in Stanford doing something. It’s been very nice and its been a great weight lifted off our shoulders....it was important to us and it was important to the people that saw it.
* John Cena als das Gesicht der WWE
I think John does a great job.....it’s gonna be impossible not to be partial to John. Because I like him and I like him because he is a good guy. He is the hardest working guy in that company. There isn’t anyone who puts in more time then John Cena. The only thing that works against John, and I tell you this with love.....you hardcore guys just decided to dislike him.
* Loyalität gegenüber WWE & Vince McMahon
There where times when I was going threw my very tough times, just let me go, just let me go. He would say 'No, look you would be miserable, they wouldn’t do with you what needs to be done. They wouldn’t know what to do with you, and that fact that they put that kind of time in to me.' That was really the end of it, that’s why I always sound like a company man....its genuine, and I know the real guy, the real guy has cared for me a great deal, and no one is more committed to this business then he is. It was easy to stay.
- TNA-Gründer und "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett sprach kürzlich mit The Fight Network u.a. über die Fehde mit Kurt Angle, TNAs kreative Aursichtung, Mick Foley sowie Randy Savage.
* seine Kinder in der Storyline mit Kurt Angle
That's the part that people have really voiced their opinion very very strongly, and it's their prerogative to voice their opinion, but I've literally lived this. My parents were divorced when I was three-years old because of this business. So I'm very aware of a child's feelings. People can judge all they want, but I know what kind of father I am, I know what kind of mother Karen is, I know what kind of parents we're all are and I understand better than anybody where the kids' heads are at. So it was a very understanding situation and you know I take the criticism but also understand, I take it with a grain of salt because you have to walk in my shoes or Karen's shoes or Kurt's shoes to fully understand the situation.
* Kritiker der kreativen Ausrichtung von TNA
Keep being as critical as possible because it is absolute proof that you are watching in some shape, form or fashion. We're never gonna please everybody and I know that. When I say that I speak from experience, and I literally mean that, I can remember as a kid going to matches when I broke into the Tennessee territory. Instead of online chats and the internet and that kind of stuff, there used to be a group of anywhere from 50 fans to 150 fans to who knows at times hanging out at the back gate. They would be raising hell bitching, complaining and saying "How come this guy didn't do this? How come this guy didn't do that?" Back in that day professional wrestling was perceived on a different level, but there have always been very vocal critics of professional wrestling and one thing that I learned and I learned it from my grandmother was the most vocal critic is the one that never ever missed a Monday night or a Tuesday night in Louisville or a Wednesday - they never missed. Well I know that we're not gonna always bat one thousand not even close but we're gonna keep attempting and keep trying to hit the home run, keep trying to keep the ball in play and know going in that we're always gonna make mistakes. But at the end of the day, we're gonna stay focused and do the very best we can and when you're on the top rated show on your network, which we are at Spike you're doing something right.
* Mick Foleys Abschied aus TNA
You know I've seen this happen countless times. There comes a point when you have employer/employee. When the employee comes to basically a fork in the road in their business life, if they have the ability to move on and don't need the paycheck anymore and feel like they can't work under these conditions anymore such as Mick, he moved on. My hat's off to him, the a guy didn't stick around and be disgruntled. If he wasn't happy, it was time for him to move on. The worst thing a talent can do is stick around and just let things fester. Because they need the paycheck they stay, but they're miserable, which isn't doing anybody good, it's doing everyone a disservice themselves included and life's too short. If you're not happy with the situation, move on. If you're unhappy with it, be constructive about things and try to make a positive change, and realize that you're not the ultimate decision maker and move on. I've got an immense amount of respect for Mick Foley. We go back basically he came to Tennessee in 1988, and I got started in 1986 so we go back man years. I respect his as a performer immensely but more as the person that he is.
* Randy Savages Ableben & seine Arbeit mit der Jarrett-Familie in Memphis
The Poffo family and the Jarrett family have a long and storied history. There were some very heated situations back in the early 80's and then Randy came to work for my family's promotion. In the mid 80's when the WWF was plucking all the top stars out of every territory, Randy walked in and said that he was going, but he offered to stay as long as needed to "do business" on the way out. That's something that my family certainly never forgot. My grandmother spoke very highly of Randy, my Dad and obviously I do. The in-ring performer that Randy was and the "it" factor and the charisma, everyone knows that side of it. But Randy was a man's man, and you know, obviously tragic news, but I can't say enough good about Randy. I really, really can't - professionally and personally.
Quelle: Rajah.com"
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Scott Hall für acht Tage hinter Gitter
"Am 14. Mai 2010 wurde der frühere mehrfache World Tag Team Champion Scott Hall stark alkoholisiert und aggressiv in einer Bar gesichtet. Einer Festnahme durch die herbeigerufene Polizei widersetzte er sich (wir berichteten mehrfach).
Laut der Boulevard-Seite TMZ wurde Hall am Montag vor dem Seminole County Jail nun zu einer Haftstrafe von zehn Tagen verurteilt. Zwei Tage wurden ihm erlassen. Aufgrund seines schlechten Gesundheitszustandes wird er am 5. Juli für acht Tage in der medizinischen Abteilung eines Gefängnisses untergebracht werden.
Quelle: Rajah.com"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Scott Hall für acht Tage hinter Gitter
WWE arbeitet an DVD zum Montreal Screwjob
"Jim Ross gab gestern bekannt, dass er im WWE Hauptsitz in Stamford ein mehrstündiges Interview mit Shawn Michaels und Bret Hart geführt habe. Laut Mike Johnson vom pwinsider soll dieses für eine DVD aufgenommen wurden sein, welche von den Ereignissen des Montreal Screwjobs erzählt und dem Verhältnis von Hart und Michaels handelt.
Quelle: pwinsider.com"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: WWE arbeitet an DVD zum Montreal Screwjob
Dave Finlay mit Indy-Auftritt im Juli!
"Über Facebook wurden wir auf eine ganz besondere Nachricht aufmerksam gemacht. So wird Dave Finlay, besser bekannt unter seinem Nachnamen aus der WWE, am 26.07.2011 nach langer Zeit wieder in einen Ring steigen.
Dies passiert im Rahmen der nächsten Ausgabe von EVOLVE. Am besagten Tag wird Finlay auf den diesjährigen Sieger des 16 Carat Gold Tournaments, Sami Callihan, treffen.
Die Show wird live als iPPV über WWNLive.com übertragen.
Quelle: Sami Callihan @ Facebook"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Dave Finlay mit Indy-Auftritt im Juli!
Chavo Guerrero entlassen
"Wie die WWE auf ihrer Homepage bekannt gab, wurde Chavo Guerrero mit sofortiger Wirkung entlassen.
Der Neffe von Eddie Guerrero kam im Juli 2001 zur WWE und konnte sowohl zweimal den WWE Tag Team Titel, dreimal den WWE Cruiserweight Titel als auch den ECW Heavyweight Titel gewinnen. Nach der Niederlage gegen Sin Cara beim WWE PPV 'Over The Limit' trat er zuletzt in der aktuellen Folge von 'WWE NXT' im Rahmen eines Six Man Tag Team Matches auf.
Quelle: wwe.com"
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Ausführliches Update zu Chavo Guerrero: er schreibt über seine Beweggründe
"Mittlerweile äußerte sich Chavo Guerrero ausführlich via Twitter zu seiner Entlassung. So schrieb er bereits gestern, dass er am kommenden Tag ein großes Announcement machen möchte und es sich hierbei um die Entlassung handelte. Guerrero schrieb weiter, dass er die WWE um die Entlassung gebeten hat, da er unzufrieden mit seinem Status war.
Hier der gesamte Tweet:
"Yes, it's true. My release is the big news I was talking about. But let's get something straight. I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly. Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get the most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good. It all comes down to being happy. I was not happy in WWE anymore. I had a smile on my face last night though when I got my release though! : ) now it's time for me to start being a Guerrero again, and start kicking ass again, be able to tell stories in the ring like u know we can. : ) win or lose I will never go back to the place WWE put me in. I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" than me! Thank u to all of u who stuck by me & kept reminding me, I was better than that! : ) stay tuned.. Big things coming!! Now I will really be able to entertain u! : ) like me or hate me, 1 thing I have always tried to do is entertain u and give u fans your $ worth. Even if my hands were tied most of the time. I love u all and can't wait for the future!! So happy.
"Hey, u guys have me trending World wide!! Thanks. I should of quit a long time ago! I know it may sound like it, but I've got no hard feelings toward the WWE. I've just been unhappy there for a long time & if you have watched the show, u will no why. I made a lot of money, but I'm better than just cashing a paycheck. I wish no hard feelings toward the WWE and want to see them and all my friends there succeed! I love wrestling & want nothing but wrestling to get better & bigger. U fans deserve nothing but a great show and great stories& athleticism for staying so true to wrestling. It's in my blood & always will be.
Quelle: PWInsider, WrestlingINC"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Ausführliches Update zu Chavo Guerrero: er schreibt über seine Beweggründe
Informationen zur Suspendierung von CM Punk (Achtung: Enthält Spoiler für RAW vom 04.07.2011)
"Bei der gestrigen Monday Night RAW Ausgabe kam es zu einem Eklat um CM Punk. Dieser nahm sich am Ende der Veranstaltung ein Mikrofon und beleidigte in einer 5 Minuten dauernden Wutrede die McMahons, grüßte Ring of Honor und beschwerte sich darüber, wie er bei der WWE eingesetzt wird. Nach einiger Zeit wurde Punk das Mikrofon abgestellt und RAW ging of Air. Kurz darauf wurde auf wwe.com die Suspendierung Punks bekannt gegeben.
Nach den neusten Entwicklungen bei der ebenfalls gestern getapten RAW Ausgabe vom 04.07.2011 ist es allerdings nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass diese Rede von der WWE insziniert wurden ist.
Nachdem im Laufe der Show Alberto Del Rio zum neuen Nummmer 1 Herausforderer auf den WWE Titel bei 'Money in the Bank' gewurden war, fordert John Cena am Ende von RAW die Aufhebeung der Suspendierung von Punk sowie die Beibehaltung des Titelmatches beim kommenden PPV.
Nach einigen Diskussionen stimmte Vince McMahon dem zu. Sollte Cena aber gegen CM punk verlieren und dieser die WWE mit dem WWE Titel verlassen, so werde John Cena gefeuert.
Quelle: pwinsider"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Informationen zur Suspendierung von CM Punk (Achtung: Enthält Spoiler für RAW vom 04.07.2011)
Zwei neue Kämpfe für 'Money in the Bank' festgelegt
"Bei der letzetn RAW Ausgabe wurden zwei weitere Kämpfe für den am 17.07. stattfindenden PPV 'Money in the Bank' bekannt gegeben.
So stehen sich im 'Money in the Bank' - Match des RAW Brands Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Alex Riley, Evan Bourne, Alberto Del Rio, R Truth, Jack Swagger und The Miz gegenüber.
Des Weiteren kommt es zu einem Kampf zwischen Kelly Kelly und Brie Bella, wobei hier der WWE Divas Titel von Kelly auf dem Spiel steht.
Quelle: pwinsider"
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Smackdown 'Money in the Bank' Match steht fest (Smackdown Spoiler vom 08.07.)
"Bei den den Tapings zur nächsten WWE Smackdownfolge, die aufgrund der Australientour der WWE am 08.07. ausgestrahlt wird, wurden die Teilnehmer des diesjährigen 'Money in the Bank' Matches des Brands bekannt gegeben. So treffen beim PPV am 17.07. Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Kane, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Heath Slater und Justin Gabriel aufeinander.
Quelle: pwinsider"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Smackdown 'Money in the Bank' Match steht fest (Smackdown Spoiler vom 08.07.)
Trevor Murdoch vor Karriereende?
"Vor etwa zwei Wochen berichteten wir, dass Trevor Murdoch nach eigenen Angaben vor einer Rückkehr zur WWE stünde. Diese Aussage widerrief er jetzt auf seiner Facebookseite und kündigte gleichzeitig einen möglichen Rücktritt an.
Der Grund für das doch nicht zu Stande gekommene Engagement in der WWE seien deren Budgetkürzungen gewesen.
Quelle: pwinsider"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Trevor Murdoch vor Karriereende?
Neue Informationen zum Vertragsstatus von CM Punk | Weitere Worker vor Vertragsauflösung?
"- Im Zusammenhang des Vertragspokers zwischen CM Punk und der WWE sind einige neue Gerüchte an die Öffentlichkeit gedrungen. So soll Punk die Wiedereinstellung seines Freundes Colt Cabana (Scotty Goldman) als eine Bedingung für eine Vertragsverhandlung genannt haben. Nichtsdestotrotz habe aber das Kreativteam die Anweisung erhalten, zunächst nicht mehr mit Punk zu planen.
- Letzte Woche verließ bekanntlich Chavo Guerrero auf eigenen Wunsch die WWE. Dies soll eine Hand voll anderer Wrestler so beeindruckt haben, dass diese ebenfalls mit dem Gedanken spielen, selbst um die Auflösung ihrer Vertäge zu bitten.
Quelle: wrestlinginc.com, rajah.com"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Neue Informationen zum Vertragsstatus von CM Punk | Weitere Worker vor Vertragsauflösung?
Jim Ross über Chavo Guerrero, Zuschauerrekorde & Hart-Michaels-DVD
"* Chavo Guerreros Entlassung
Sorry to hear of Chavo Guerrero leaving WWE after many years with the company. I don't know the details but from what I read Chavo asked for his release and wanted to explore other options. Chavo is a talented guy who comes from a regal, wrestling family who I respect greatly. Chavo strikes me as the type of wrestler who has given his post wrestling career adequate thought and even though Chavo can and likely will continue to wrestle, one can never over stay their welcome inside the ring and everyone has to have an exit strategy at some point.
* Wird die WWE jemals den Zuschauerrekord von WrestleMania 3 brechen?
Will the WM3 attendance record ever be broken? In my opinion, yes. It could happen in a variety of venues but specifically, in my eyes, it will be when WWE has a Wrestlemania in Cowboys Stadium in Dallas which could accommodate close to 100,000 for the event. With DFW being an American Airlines hub and Love Field being a Southwest Airlines hub, getting to Dallas from virtually any where in the world is doable. Of course, how well any event does or doesn't do is always dependent on the main event attractions.
* Teilnahme am Hart-Michaels-DVD-Projekt
The HBK/Hitman DVD will be released worldwide this October and I have high expectations for the project. The two legendary, WWE stars sat side by side during the shoot facing yours truly who asked them a battery of questions ... To be able to sit and talk to two WWE Hall of Famers such as Michaels and Hart who did have a bona fide rivalry at one time but also respected the other's work was a privilege for me. I'm honored to have been assigned this project and hope that it lives up to the expectations we all have for it. I know that both Shawn and Bret were very happy with the day.
I'll tell you this, it takes a lot of courage and character to be honest to the core on these types of productions and Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were definitely honest, open, emotional, and had some compelling things to say. My respect for both men, which was already immense, was elevated even higher after this DVD taping.
Quelle: JRsBarBQ.com"
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Shawn Michaels, Alberto del Rio & Jay Lethal im Gespräch
"- WWE Hall Of Famer "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels war kürzlich bei Wrestling News Live zu Gast und sprach u.a. über Scott Hall, eine Rückkehr zur WWE und die World Championship.
* Scott Halls Fehlen bei der "WWE Hall Of Fame"-Zeremonie
You have to admire him, You’ve gotta start somewhere and I remember Kevin telling me and me thinking “you know what, that’s gotta be a good start. The fact that he is aware of it and I think that’s good as that’s what we all want for(him). I know everything one is synthetic and everyone cares about Scott and we all do and I was actually really happy to hear that he’s at least aware of it to the point where he can make a statement like that. As we discussed that night, we all know there is going to be several other Hall Of Fame moments for some of the dudes in our group.
* Rückkehr zur WWE
One, honestly I really don’t watch much right now and I do that purposely. I’ll tune in every now and then and I’ll tune in for a little bit then see something that I don’t care for and I go away. The reason I do that is because if I watch and I see something I don’t like and I turn away, I know that I’m not ready to come back and look at it objectively yet . I think there will be a time when I’d like to come back and help and contribute in the back if needed but to do that, I feel like I need to have a real washed, clean, objective, constructive point of view and for me personally, it feels like whilst I was working, I did not watch that much as I always felt I was too close to it to be objective.
* Warum er nicht die World Championship ein weiteres mal gewinnen wollte?
No, No I didn’t. That’s(holding the belt) is a full time commitment and the guy that does that needs to make every show, doing absolutely everything and that just wasn’t for me. The deal with me coming back was still worth quite a bit but I didn’t do all the live events and I was taking darn near every Wrestlemania off. That was just something, it was more important to me just to come back and I’m gona be honest, I like it more than the way I did. I know there are some people like “You only held the world title this many times” I just didn’t think it (was fair), I think the guy who does that needs to be the work horse and I no way wanted to be that.
- RAW-Superstar Alberto Del Rio sprach in dieser Woche mit dem Miami Herald um WrestleMania 28 zu promoten und äußerte sich u.a. über die Ursprünge seines Gimmicks und den WWE-Wrestling-Stil.
* Ursprünge seines Gimmicks
Alberto Del Rio is something Vince McMahon and I created. We created this character. He came up with the idea of the scarf, the cars and everything. However, I developed the character from guys from the movies like ‘Scarface’ and ‘The Godfather’ or guys who I hated during my life.
I was like this before WWE. I wore these kinds of clothes. I like to have nice cars when I was in Mexico, and in the United States, it’s the same. It doesn’t matter that I have a character on TV. Of course I don’t have as many cars as Alberto Del Rio, but the way I handle myself is somewhat similar.
* Anpassung an den WWE-Wrestling-Stil
A lot of people helped me adjust to the style, including Steve Keirn, Dusty Rhodes, Norman Smiley. Those guys helped me in FCW because in Mexico we wrestle on the right side, and here we wrestle on the left side. That was the main issue because, essentially, wrestling is the same everywhere. That particular area and transition were kind of hard, but in the end everything worked out well.
* WrestleMania 28
It is going to be great. This WrestleMania [27] was incredible, but I’m pretty sure next year’s WrestleMania [28] will be awesome. All the things we have here in Miami, it’s going to be a great event. They are going to be bringing in guys like The Rock and superstars from the past. So it’s going to be great.
I’m going to be defending my WWE title at WrestleMania because I see myself as champion in a few months. John Cena, I’ve worked with him in the past. I’ve never had a program with him. I think that is the way I’m going now.
* Der ehemalige TNA X Division Champion Jay Lethal erschien kürzlich bei Online World of Wrestling Radio und sprach u.a. über eine mögliche Verpflichtung durch WWE, Randy Savage sowie seine Entlassung bei TNA.
* mögliche Verpflichtung durch WWE
I would say yes, Only because I can honestly say that anyone that is a pro wrestler in my generation you became a pro wrestler because of one reason and one reason only and thats because of WWE. ECW was big WCW was big but I think for my generation it was WWE that made you want to become a professional wrestler and why would you not want to get a chance to work for the company that made you love this business, so I would have to say yes.
* Randy Savage
The first conversation we had lasted for five minutes. It was a three way call because I did not believe that it was it was really the macho man, as the guy was trying to get me to believe it was really him. He told me he liked the stuff, he didnt see it on TV, but saw it on youtube, I didnt think I offended him, I think I annoyed him, as this fan was calling him, as I am a fan of Macho Man, its very weird to have a fan call you, just to talk.
* Entlassung bei TNA
I don't know who makes the decision, but I can only speculate that it came from dixie carter herself, as the owner of the company, it had to go through to her at some point. All I know is that at some point as the owner of the company, in time it has to come through you. [...] I was called by Head of Relations Terry Taylor while at a baseball game. I should have seen it coming, as I hadn't been on TV in five months. It wasn't like, 'Hey, Jay Lethal, you messed up, I honestly believe it was we have nothing for you. We kept you long enough with getting paid, its just now time to clean up and make some cuts.'
Quelle: Rajah.com"
nachzulesen bei Screwjob.de: Shawn Michaels, Alberto del Rio & Jay Lethal im Gespräch