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Thema: Wrestling News

  1. #2701
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    Verbaler Schlagabtausch zwischen Warrior & Hogan setzt sich fort

    "Wie wir berichteten, führen der Ultimate Warrior und Hulk Hogan derzeit eine Online-Fehde. Nach einem Interview mit HDNet, in welchem Hogan meinte, der Warrior wäre einer von vielen gewesen, welcher die goldene Patrone hätte um Hulkamania zu vernichten, es aber nicht auf die Reihe bekam. Warriors Antwort war ein Video, in welchem er bekanntgab, die Patrone gefunden zu haben und bald interessante Neuigkeiten über den Hulkster zu veröffentlichen.

    Via Twitter äußerte sich Hogam erneut über die Vieobotschaft des Warriors.

    that what he's programed for, some people love, help, laugh, create, have fun, he hates.warrior who? HH

    Wenig später erfuhr der geneigte Beobachter, dass Hulk Hogan wohl einige Followers auf Twitter, welche auch Follower der Ultimate Warrior sind, gesperrt haben soll. Diese Zensur prangerte der Warrior auf YouTube an.

    Hey Terry! Rumor has it that the Warriors trying to get into your social networking party over there are being shut out. What's up with that, BROTHA?! And to think you used to be such the party animal. I mean what's wrong, you don't have the guts for the game anymore now that the playing field is level? That's ashame. I was hoping to come through the front door, get a hug, one of those womanly handshakes. That's okay, man. Me and the Warriors, we're going to make our way through the wall! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Anschließend äußerte er auf Twitter folgendes.

    Today has been very inspiring. Thanks Warriors! You guys are the best! To those asking- Hogan's demise began the day he left Vince.

    Am Donnerstag kündigte der Warrior erneut die große Nachricht, die Hulk Hogans Vermächtnis für immer trüben soll, an.

    Thank you to all The Warriors out there spreading the word. Big news soon. Always Believe!!!

    Hulk Hogan, ein Mann der zum Glauben gefunden hat, rief seine Fans auf für die Seele des Warriors zu beten.

    It's awesome how such grateful positive people live in abundance and how they always try to help and pray for the lost negative people. His claim to fame was our match at WrestleMania, if he didn’t have that I'm not sure what he's done. He's just trying to keep his deal alive. Only pray for him, just hope he stops attracting so much hate into his life. Like attracts like.

    Wir sind gespannt wie diese Auseinandersetzung ausgehen wird!


    nachzulesen bei Verbaler Schlagabtausch zwischen Warrior & Hogan setzt sich fort

  2. #2702
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    Jim Ross über Chris Jericho, Alex Riley & "WWE 12"

    "* Chris Jerichos 3. Buch & WWE-Rückkehr

    Chris Jericho is looking at doing a 3rd book! Amazing. I can't even put a plan together to write one while wanting to stay away from a full blown autobiography at this time. Jericho is uber talented in many areas and has likely not wrestled his last WWE bout. The thing about Jericho is that he's going to do things on his time line and that he enjoys doing. When or if he becomes ready to return to WWE he will. The Winnipeg native and Fozzy front man certainly doesn't 'owe' any of us one more match.

    * Alex Rileys Babyface-Push

    Yes emailer....Alex Riley has upped his game the past two weeks on Raw while beating up The Miz. The key to Riley's rise to stardom and latching on to something tangible at the next level is his continued ability to shine and to get on a roll. The roll has started but how long will it be sustained? That's always going to be the question no matter the talent. Riley-Miz has been some of my favorite, MNR content the past two broadcasts. It feels new and fresh.

    * "WWE 12"-Videospiel

    The THQ rendition of the WWE12 video game is going to really be slick. THQ has some very educated and intelligent fans of the genre working on this game and I look for it to be the most ecstatically pleasing and exciting to play video game that THQ/WWE has done to date.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über Chris Jericho, Alex Riley & "WWE 12"

  3. #2703
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    Elizabeth Wagner verstorben

    "Am Freitagabend vermeldete das Elizabeth "Betty" Wagner im Alter von 98 Jahren in Gearhart, Oregon, verstorben ist.

    Betty Wagner war die erste Ehefrau des legendären "Gorgeous" George Wagner. Beide heirateten 1939 in einem Wrestling-Ring. Ihre Mutter schneiderte sogar Georges Roben. Beide adoptierten zwei Kinder. Jedoch hielt die Ehe nur bis 1951. Im vergangenen Jahr nahm Betty Wagner für den 1963 verstorbenen Gorgeous George die "Hall of Fame"-Auszeichnung von World Wrestling Entertainment entgegen.

    Wir wünschen den Angehörigen Kraft in diesen schweren Stunden.


    nachzulesen bei Elizabeth Wagner verstorben

  4. #2704
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    Ersten beiden Matches für 'Capitol Punishment' stehen

    "Bei Monday Night RAW wurden nun die ersten beiden Matches für den anstehenden WWE PPV Capitol Punishment bekannt gegeben. Auf der einen Seite wird WWE Champion auf sein neuen #1-Contender treffen: R-Truth! R-Truth will dabei im Ring beweisen das er von der WWE Führungsspitze zurückgehalten wird und sich, in seinen Augen, zum verdienten WWE Champion krönen. Weiterhin trifft der ehemalige Champion The Miz auf seinen vorherigen Schüler Alex Riley, nachdem beide in den letzten Wochen die ein oder andere Konfrontation hinter sich gebracht haben.

    Hier einmal die ersten Ansetzungen im Überblick:

    WWE Capitol Punishment
    Washington D.C., Washington

    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs. R-Truth

    Singles Match
    The Miz vs. Alex Riley


    nachzulesen bei Ersten beiden Matches für 'Capitol Punishment' stehen

  5. #2705
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    Auseinandersetzung zwischen Warrior & Hogan spitzt sich zu

    "Nachdem sich der Hulkster zunächst noch zurückhielt, begann er am Wochenende nun via Twitter gegen den Warrior verbal auszuteilen.

    Warrior was a jabroni. Hulkamania still runs wild... Brother. [...] Warrior is just jealous and angry about the sad way it all ended for him... without a whimper. [...] Warrior let alot of fans down over & over. Not something that'll ever be easily forgiven. Or forgotten.

    Der Ultimate Warrior schlug zurück und verglich Hulk Hogan mit einem Haustier. Zudem kündigte er das versprochene einstündige "Karma is Coming to Collect"-Video, welches Hulk Hogan endgültig bloßstellen soll, für die kommenden beiden Tage an.

    They say I hate Hogan. Never did. Like a favorite loved pet who has come to the end of its useful life, time to put an end to his misery. [...] Hogan takes high road-where?when? Never has. In WM6 best sports entertainer in the world prevailed. Today, best man will. No punches pulled. [...]Terry, almost time for KiCtC. Better triple your meds -- or have your PoS friend Knobbs come over and feign heart attacks...good for laughs.

    Zudem wurde am Sonntag mit des Hulkster Facebook-Account ein Zitat in Verbindung gebracht, in welchem er seine Fans beleidigt.

    That's good to know brother. But in reality it was a lot of you idiot fans that killed wcw with your lack of appreciation and support for everything we did for you. Funny enough a lot of you morons like TNA too. Go figure. HH

    Hogan reagierte prompt und stellte klar, dass diese Äußerung nicht von ihm stamme.

    Something so evil to hurt me or my fans.I assure you I would never say anything so evil about the great fans that I love and have made my Career.I have nothing but love and respect for each and every HH fan.maby somebody that knows the INS and outs of computers can get to the Bottom of this and find out who is trying to hurt my fans and my career,thank you HULKAMANIACS nothing but love and respect. HH [...] Hulkamaniacs - I have verified that my account was not hacked, and the posted screen shot was made by a person who was banned from this page due to abusive behavior. The screen shot was photo shopped, and the statement was NEVER made by me. You all make what we do worthwhile. HH

    Der Warrior musste natürlich auch zu diesem Zwischenfall eine Twittermeldung verfassen.

    Hogan blames the fans, then acts like it never happened... good example of Hulkamania's positivity and authenticity. He is totally lost.


    nachzulesen bei Auseinandersetzung zwischen Warrior & Hogan spitzt sich zu

  6. #2706
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    Sean Waltman - Sexueller Missbrauch als Kind

    "Auf TMZ erschien ein Artikel, in welchem der sexuelle Missbrauch Sean Waltmans als Kind thematisiert wird. In seinem Blog lobte Waltman am Montag Mick Foley und dessen Unterstützung des Vereins RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest Network) und sprach nun auch offen über sein Schicksal.

    The most psychologically damaging incidents came at the hands of an adult male who actually brought me to my first pro wrestling match. [...] It's so difficult for victims of sexual abuse to come forward. The shame & fear involved in coming forward is overwhelming. [...] Feeling like it’s our fault or fearing what people will think of you prevent many from ever coming forward ... I choose to talk openly about it, hoping it may inspire others to come forward and expose these people. [...] This is a huge step in dealing with the psychological damage done to the victim & can also save others from having to suffer the same fate. So I can’t thank Mick enough for his work with RAINN.


    nachzulesen bei Sean Waltman - Sexueller Missbrauch als Kind

  7. #2707
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    Warriors Anschuldigungen gegen Hogan - Klage könnte folgen

    "- Der Ultimate Warrior veröffentlichte nun eine Vorschau auf das 55minütige Shootinterview ("Karma is coming to collect"), welches am 17.06. in voller Länge erscheinen soll. In diesem beschuldigt er Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan) des Kokainmissbrauchs. Er sei ein Kiffer, der seine Kollegen unter Drogen setzte, so dass er sie unter Kontrolle hatte.

    Terry und Ex-Frau Linda Bollea hätten eine offene Ehe geführt und regelmäßig Seitensprünge gehabt. Linda wurde angeblich des öfteren vom Hulkster an andere Wrestler angeboten und der Warrior wäre der einzige, der dieses Angebot ausgeschlagen hätte.

    Zudem wirft der Warrior dem Hulkster vor, mit einer Freundin seiner Tochter geschlafen zu haben. Die Entwicklung von Nick Bollea (Autounfall mit anschließender Haft) sei abzusehen gewesen, da dieser das "schwarze Herz" seines Vaters geerbt hätte. Außerdem sei das Auftreten eines fast 60jährigen mit Kopftuch erbärmlich. Und unter diesem Kopftuch würden sich Haarverlängerungen befinden.

    - TMZ berichtete daraufhin, dass der Beschuldigte juristische Schritte gegen den Warrior in Erwägung zieht, um das Verbreiten dieser Lügen zu verhindern.

    None of that ever happened. This guy is out of his mind.


    nachzulesen bei Warriors Anschuldigungen gegen Hogan - Klage könnte folgen

  8. #2708
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    Offizielle Todesursache Randy Savages bekannt

    "Lanny "Genius" Poffo, der Bruder des verstorbenen Randy Poffy (aka Randy Savage), sprach in einem Interview mit Floridas Bright House Sports Networkt über die offizielle Todesursache des Macho Man.

    Savage starb an einem Herzinfarkt aufgrund eines Kammerflimmerns. Zudem hätte sich Randys Ehefrau Lynn äußerst heldenhaft verhalten und das Leben anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer geschützt, indem sie den Jeep gegen einen Baum steuerte.

    Randy's foot was still on the accelerator. She reached over and steered the Jeep Wrangler into a tree, saving the live of a motorcyclist and possibly a bus. You know, there's no telling what can happen when you're going the wrong way.


    nachzulesen bei Offizielle Todesursache Randy Savages bekannt

  9. #2709
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    Warum der Ultimate Warrior Hulk Hogan beschuldigt?

    "Nachdem der Ultimate Warrior in einer 7minütigen-Videovorschau auf das kommende Shoot-Interview schwere Vorwürfe gegen Hulk Hogan abfeuerte, erklärte er nun via Twitter seine Beweggründe. Bei dieser Auseinandersetzung ginge es um weitaus mehr, als auf den ersten Blick erkennbar wäre - es ginge um die Fans und den Wert des Lebens.

    This thing going on between Terry and I is about something bigger than each of us. It is about YOU and the worth of your life.
    People can do better things with their life potential than others but NO ONE has more potential than any other to start with.
    All of us are born with the potential to do great things and live great lives.
    When one does, the right thing to do is influence, inspire and empower other humans that they have the potential inside themselves, too.
    Terry, doesn't do this. First, he takes credit for everything. There is no room for anyone else or praise for others.
    Two, he has NOT used his incredible life success experiences to learn from them: grow wiser, be a better man, be a more capable mentor.
    When a man fails at this, he cannot be seen as a leader, someone to look up to or admire. Those who do see him as such have been mislead.
    Given the choice between the truth and the lies, they choose lies. Life will not work if you choose lies. This is what I know of life.
    This is why I fight. Not so you make me like Terry believes he is. NO, I fight so that you know you DO NOT have to tolerate lives of lies.
    Live lives of truth. Inspire ME. I succeeded at being a sports entertainer, and I am proud of what we did together.
    But, to me, YOU are ALL better than that. YOU can do better. You can turn the whole fucking world upside down. I can feel your power. W


    nachzulesen bei Warum der Ultimate Warrior Hulk Hogan beschuldigt?

  10. #2710
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    Jim Ross über "Legends of Wrestling", Hogan vs. Warrior & Scott Hall

    "* "Legends of Wrestling"

    Great week of TV production this week in Stamford at WWE HQ. The nWo 15th Anniversary Legends Roundtable airs on WWE On Demand in July. Kevin Nash, Gene Okerlund and JJ Dillon were able to provide some great insight to the WCW/nWo days. @RealKevinNash is still in great shape and still has some fuel in the tank the the desire to use it. Kevin added a great deal to the panel on the nWo discussion. It's a program that could have multiple parts if WWE wants to revisit it at some point.

    * Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior

    What do I think of the recent Hulk-Warrior war of words? Nothing. It's none of my business and I'm not interested in following what appears to be a 'pissing contest.'

    * Update zu Scott Halls Gesundheitszustand

    Kevin said Scott Hall was doing "much, much better" as of recent days and that Scott was likely going to be the subject of a feature on ESPN. I was really happy to hear that Scott was getting healthier. I can attest to the fact that Scott Hall has one of the most creative minds in the business or at least he did when I was around him back in the day. Scott always possessed great wrestling instincts and had the ability to process in ring content and promo material as well as anyone.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über "Legends of Wrestling", Hogan vs. Warrior & Scott Hall

  11. #2711
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    Capitol Punishment Update: Neue Matches bekannt

    "Capitol Punishment rückt näher und dem WWE Universe werden Woche für Woche neue Matches präsentiert, mit denen die WWE hofft die schwache Buyrate (Quelle: des Over the Limit PPV wieder wett zu machen, der ersten Gerüchten zufolge sogar Schwächer als der December to Dismember PPV vor einigen Jahren sein soll. Um diese Rückschlag auszugleichen setzt man zwei Rückkämpfe an von Over the Limit an. Zum Einen wird World Heaveyweight Champion Randy Orton seinen Gürtel erneut gegen Christian verteidigen und WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett wird erneut gegen seinen ehemaligen Corre-Kumpanen Ezekiel Jackson antreten.

    WWE Capitol Punishment
    Washington D.C., Washington

    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs. R-Truth

    World Heaveyweight Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

    Singles Match
    The Miz vs. Alex Riley


    nachzulesen bei Capitol Punishment Update: Neue Matches bekannt

  12. #2712
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    Update zu Capitol Punishment: drei weitere Matches auf der Card

    "Am Sonntag ist es soweit: mit Capitol Punishment steht der nächste WWE-PPV vor der Tür. Waren bisher nur vier Matches angekündigt wurden durch Monday Night RAW drei weitere hinzugefügt. Bei den Matches handelt es sich um Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk sowie ein Titelmatch zwischen Kofi Kingston und Dolph Ziggler. Somit haben wir nun schon sieben Matches auf der Card. Diese sieht wie folgt aus:

    WWE Capitol Punishment
    Washington D.C., Washington

    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs. R-Truth

    World Heaveyweight Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

    WWE United States Championship
    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

    Singles Match
    The Miz vs. Alex Riley

    Singles Match
    Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

    Singles Match
    Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio

    Quelle: PWInsider"

    nachzulesen bei Update zu Capitol Punishment: drei weitere Matches auf der Card

  13. #2713
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    Beginnt die Entlassungswelle? - fünf Worker aus Verträgen entlassen!

    "Im April hatten wir bereits über eine mögliche Entlassungswelle für dieses Jahr berichtet. Nun hat es etwas länger gedauert, aber scheinbar beginnt jetzt die Entlassungswelle 2011. Fünf Worker hat es am Wochenende erwischt - sie durften sich ihre Papiere abholen.

    Besonders bekannt dürften die Namen der zwei ehemaligen NXT-Teilnehmer Michael Tarver und Jacok Novak sein. Während Tarver an der Premierenstaffel von NXT teilnahm, durfte Navok gleich in zwei verschiedenen Staffeln antreten. Zuletzt sah man ihn bei der aktuellen Staffel zu NXT, wo er allerdings als erster eliminiert wurde.

    Des weiteren wurden die mit einem Ausbildungsvertrag gebundenen Wrestler Buddy Stretcher, Buck Dixon & Ethan Levine entlassen. Sie waren allesamt im aktuellen Kader von Florida Championship Wrestling anzufinden.

    Sofern es weitere Entlassungen geben sollte, erfahrt ihr dies hier.


    nachzulesen bei Beginnt die Entlassungswelle? - fünf Worker aus Verträgen entlassen!

  14. #2714
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    Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels & Zack Ryder im Interview

    "- Eric Bischoff sprach kürzlich bei Monday Night Mayhem u.a. über TNAs Entwicklung, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle und Chyna.

    * Entwicklung von TNA

    People keep making statements about how TNA is not doing well, or TNA sucks, or whatever juvenile trite that comes out of their heads. It occurred to to me that no one is talking about how TNA is doing as a company. Coincidentally, I got an e-mail from Spike Television talking about last Thursday night's ratings. In the e-mail, it said that Impact Wrestling was the #1 rated show in its demo & in its time period, despite that we were up against the NBA Finals. Impact Wrestling is the #1 program on all of Spike Television. We outperform the UFC. To be able to be the the #1 show on that network in prime-time is a very significant achievement. I just wanted to point that out, because not enough people are talking about the good things going out in TNA.

    * Mick Foley

    Mick wasn't hard for me to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed the on-camera work that Mick & I had together. I think some of the best moments that I've had on camera on Impact Wrestling I've had with Mick Foley. I will miss working on camera with Mick Foley. In terms of being disappointed, as much as I enjoyed working with Mick, there's a very limited role for someone like Mick Foley, a character like me who doesn't wrestle, who is really only a talker. If you look at where Impact Wrestling is right now, there's just not a whole lot of room for more guys like me or Hulk Hogan. We just have to be the central focus of the storyline and probably will be for some time, and there's only so much real estate. A lot of that real estate has to go to guys who can deliver action in the ring.

    * Kurt Angle & Olympia 2012

    I don't think it'll be a problem at all. I'm a strong believer that when you have large characters like a Kurt Angle, or a Rob Van Dam, or a Ken Anderson, or you name it, you have to cycle those personalities out from time to time in order to keep them fresh. We have seen a lot of Kurt Angle over the last year & a half. He has been central to so many storylines that if Kurt needs some time away to pursue the Olympics, and I think the publicity surrounding that would be great for our company & for Kurt Angle himself, that it will give his character time to refresh and come back more valuable than if he would just stay around and work a full-time schedule like everyone else.

    * Chyna

    I didn't know she made the comment that TNA 'missed the boat,' but I was not excited with the fact that the company decided to bring her in for the (Sacrifice) Pay-Per-View. The initial thought was a turnoff for me, but I kept my mouth shut. When I saw her at the Pay-Per-View and saw that 'deer in the headlights' look in her eyes when it actually came time to do something, it kind of confirmed what my instincts told me. Then I read about the fact that she wants to build her career around doing anal sex videos for Vivid. I was really, really, really, really glad that I don't have to try & explain to anybody why I work in the same company as her.

    - WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels sprach vor Kurzem mit dem Telegraph Journal u.a. über seine Karriere und seine eigene Jagd-TV-Show 'Shawn Michaels' MacMillan River Adventures.

    * Karriere & Leben nach dem Wrestling

    I've accomplished far more than I ever possibly could have imagined. It was a phenomenal run and I enjoyed every second of it. As I say, I enjoy going back and visiting everybody. I'll always be a part of that company and I'm thankful that those are just a few of many, many memories that I have because I've got a bunch.
    When you do that for as long as you do it, you're not sure you can be normal and have normal friends and have other friends outside of it. So I've enjoyed seeing that that's possible. Knowing that I can meet people that weren't in my line of work and have the same amount of trust and friendship with them that I have with the other guys.

    * Jagd-TV-Show

    I'm not doing a reality show, it's not really even a hunting show, it's more of an outdoor lifestyle show. We're just two guys who have families who live an outdoor lifestyle so some of that will be captured on film.

    - WWE-Superstar Zack Ryder wurde von interviewt und sprach u.a. über seine YouTube-Show Z! True Long Island Story und seine zukünftigen Pläne in der WWE.

    * YouTube-Show

    What happened was that about three months ago I was sick of just not being on TV, sick of just sitting in the background on the sidelines. So I created my opportunity. I created my own Youtube account. My parents got me a Flipcam for Christmas. And I started to make my own shows. And 16 episodes later, more than a million views, it’s starting to pick up… All my days off is basically doing that show. It’s thinking of things and messing around with my friends. They’ll help me film stuff, like the Superstars General Manager—just things to create controversy in a funny, light hearted way… I think I had no creative output before, so they really didn't know who I was. I had a couple matches here and there, but I never really had a chance to show who I really was, my personality and show how charismatic I was. Now this show has taken off. Guys like John Cena, The Miz, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Chris Jericho are all praising me on Twitter and stuff like that. I wrote the bonus forward to Chris Jericho’s book. It’s just unbelievable. I think everyone is starting to notice.

    * Bekommt er wegen der YouTube-Show Heat vom WWE-Management?

    At first, I was afraid too. I thought, ‘Am I going to get in trouble?’ But I’m not trying to cause any problems. I just want to get my name out there and create my own opportunity, and make some money for the company and for myself. Now they’re really getting behind it. Like you said, there are signs every single week. My T-Shirts are selling out, and I’m not even on television. It’s unheard of. So, I think they have to get behind it.… As far as I know, I haven’t been punished. But before I started the Youtube show, I was at the bottom of the card—the bottom. How much worse of a position could I have dropped to, you know? So it had to go up. That was my mind set. I was just sick of being at the bottom, knowing I could be so much more. It was all or nothing, basically.

    * in der WWE nach oben arbeiten

    I guess I am grateful that I have a job in WWE, but that my plan my whole life. So, it’s kind of expected for me. So I’m not satisfied with my spot on the card. I definitely want to move up. And that’s what I’m going to do. Or at least I’m going to try my best and go out swinging. I’m not going to just sit back and say, ‘Oh, I should have done that,’ or ‘I should have done this.’ When my time comes to an end, I know I’ll have no regrets… I’ve been under contract for five years. I’ve been on television for four. So that’s a pretty long time. So many people come and go in four years. But I have all the time in the world. I’m only 26. I’m one of the youngest guys on the roster. I’m not going to stop until everyone in this world knows who Zack Ryder is.


    nachzulesen bei Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels & Zack Ryder im Interview

  15. #2715
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    Randy Orton verletzt - PPV Main Event in Gefahr!

    "Bei Monday Night RAW kam es zu einem sehr fragwürdigen Angle mit Randy Orton. Dieser wollte Christian an den Kragen gehen, wurde aber vom General Manager abgehalten, da sich Orton eine Gehirnerschütterung zugezogen haben soll. Was zu Beginn als eine sehr unkreative und nicht gerade logische Art aussah, das Match der beiden weiter aufzubauen, wurde nun als tatsächliche Verletzung bestätigt.

    Dies berichten sowohl der PWInsider als auch der Wrestling Observer übereinstimmend. Demnach soll sich Orton die Gehirnerschütterung beim Abschluss der sudeuropäischen Tour in Madrid während eines Three Way Matches mit Christian und Sheamus zugezogen haben.

    Unklar zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ist hingegen die Situation um das anstehende PPV-Match bei Capitol Punishment gegen Christian. Aus internen Quellen heißt es, dass die WWE bereits an einem Plan B arbeitet, falls Orton nicht die Freigabe bekommen sollte, um an dem Match teil zu nehmen. Die Entscheidung hierüber wird aller Voraussicht nach erst am Tag des PPV's verkündet.

    Sobald wir Neuigkeiten zu diesem Thema haben, informieren wir euch darüber.

    Quelle: PWInsider"

    nachzulesen bei Randy Orton verletzt - PPV Main Event in Gefahr!