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Thema: Wrestling News

  1. #2611
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    Weitere Reaktionen auf Edges Rücktritt

    "Chris Jericho

    Edge is a great performer and 1 of my favorite opponents. He's also got an incredible MIND for the business. Congrats on an amazing career

    Hulk Hogan

    if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago, but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt! [...] What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH [...] my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH [...] I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH

    Matt Hardy

    Heard Adam is retiring because of physical issues that won't allow him to safely continue wrestling. He'll be missed, we've certainly had our fair share of issues.. Both good and bad. But I tip my hat to Edge who is one of the greatest I've ever been in the ring with. Adam resides in NC now-sure I'll run into him down the road. Glad that him & I are in a good place. We came in as friends, & went out that way.

    Kevin Nash

    the loss of Edge is a sad day 4 the WWE great in ring,but such a special guy out,he still has years left to give.


    Edge, 1 of the GREAT guys in the biz. Awesone talent & awesome guy! I live the numbness in arms due to neck issues also, scary.Be well bro.

    Eric Bischoff

    Best of luck to Edge. Class guy and a great talent. He will find success in anything he pursues.

    Wade Barrett

    I have a tremendous amount of respect for Edge. A great career and a great human being.


    nachzulesen bei Weitere Reaktionen auf Edges Rücktritt

  2. #2612
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    Larry Sweeney begeht Selbstmord

    "Alex Whybrow, vielen besser als "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney bekannt, wurde am gestrigen Tag in einer Wrestlingschule in Lake Charles, Louisiana, tot aufgefunden. Im Alter von nur 30 Jahren erhängte sich Whybrow, welcher unter manisch-depressiven Störungen litt.

    Larry Sweeney, welcher seine Karriere 2004 begann, erarbeitete sich in der amerikanischen Independent-Szene einen Namen. Neben Auftritten bei Chikara und Ring of Honor (ROH), konnte er 2006 als Doppelgänger von Nick Hogan in der Fehde zwischen Hulk Hogan und Randy Orton glänzen.

    Chris Hero, ein guter Freund und Weggefährte Whybrows, kommentierte dessen Ableben auf Twitter.

    We lost a dedicated friend and an overwhelmingly talented performer this morning. Alex Whybrow aka 'Sweet & Sour' Larry Sweeney has passed.
    We spent a few yrs together on the road & Alex was gifted beyond measure. He could enthrall you with colorful stories from his personal life or he could captivate thousands with his undeniable charisma. I loved him & my heart is with his family, friends & his countless fans. First he was my student & he transcended that almost immediately. I will forever cherish our in depth conversations & time spent together. Love you man. Miss you. Rest in Peace.


    nachzulesen bei Larry Sweeney begeht Selbstmord

  3. #2613
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    Update zu Extreme Rules: neue Konstellation des World Heavyweight Championship Match bekannt (SD-Spoiler)

    "Nach dem Retirement von Edge mussten die Pläne für Extreme Rules komplett über den Haufen geworfen werden. Alberto Del Rio bleibt zwar weiterhin No One Contender, hat aber bei Smackdown einen neuen Gegner gefunden: in einer 20 Man Battle Royal konnte sich letztendlich Christian durchsetzen und wird nun anstelle von Edge im Leitermatch bei Extreme Rules antreten. Damit heißt es bei Extreme Rules nun zum wiederholten mal Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio.

    Hier die neue Card:

    WWE Extreme Rules
    Tampa, Florida

    WWE Championship
    The Miz (c) vs. John Cena vs. R-Truth

    World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder Match
    Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian

    Tag Team Match
    Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

    Quelle: SD-Tapings"

    nachzulesen bei Update zu Extreme Rules: neue Konstellation des World Heavyweight Championship Match bekannt (SD-Spoiler)

  4. #2614
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    Noch mehr Reaktionen auf Edges Rücktritt vom Wrestling

    "Bret Hart

    I remember training w/both Edge & Christian in a ring @ my house back in '97 & he'll always be one of my guys. Such an abrupt end to a great career saddens the entire wrestling world. Cheers to the rated-R Superstar.

    Shawn Michaels

    Have had contact w/Edge & he is looking 4ward 2what the future holds. It will b great, good things happen 2 good people & he is just that.

    Kurt Angle

    It's sad to see my friend Edge Retire from WWE. Edge was one of the Best. Your Fans will miss You dearly. I know I will. Luv u Edge!!!!


    True class act. A boy with a dream is now a man who has left behind an incredible legacy. Thank you for all you have given.


    nachzulesen bei Noch mehr Reaktionen auf Edges Rücktritt vom Wrestling

  5. #2615
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    Update zu Edge: Edge nimmt an Europatour teil!

    "Für alle noch Unentschlossenen gibt es nun eine Last-Minute-Nachricht zur heute beginnenden Deutschland-Tour der WWE zu berichten: an allen drei Daten wird u.a. auch der ehemalige World Heayvweight Champion Edge teilnehmen. Dieser wird sich von den europäischen Fans verabschieden und somit auch in München, Dortmund und Kiel anwesend sein.

    Quelle: PWInsider"

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  6. #2616
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    Update zu Edge: Abschiedsrede von Smackdown im Internet aufgetaucht

    "Bereits einen Tag vor der eigentlichen Ausstrahlung sind nun die Segmente mit Edge im Netz aufgetaucht. Diese sind zur Zeit auf Youtube zu sehen, allerdings können wir nicht garantieren, dass die Videos dort lange erreichbar sein werden. Im ersten Video sieht man die offizielle Abschiedsrede, die auch bei Smackdown zu sehen sein wird.

    In Video zwei und drei sind Ausschnitte der Abschiedspromo zu sehen, die wahrscheinlich nicht ins TV kommen werden. Wer nicht über den Ausgang der Show gespoilert werden möchte, sollte die ersten Sekunden überspringen.

    Quelle: PWInsider"

    nachzulesen bei Update zu Edge: Abschiedsrede von Smackdown im Internet aufgetaucht

  7. #2617
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    Bret Hart und The Miz im Gespräch

    "- WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart sprach kürzlich mit der Sportredaktion von The Sun und teilte ihnen seine Gedanken zur eher enttäuschenden WrestleMania 27 mit.

    * The Rocks Beteiligung

    I was hoping The Rock would be a little more interesting than he was. I would have had him involved in the John Cena v Miz match right off the bat. My initial thinking about two months ago was that Rock was going to be working with Cena and somehow Miz would be involved, and it would be a triple threat type of match. I thought Rock needed to be in the match, not just talking about it. Don't get me wrong — Rock is a great talent. Just looking at him, I think he is ready to get back in the ring. I'm sure he could have wrestled at WrestleMania and he should have done so. The excitement going in to WrestleMania this year was all tied in with Rock and when he didn't actually do anything but stand around and be a mouthpiece all night, that didn't really work. To me as a fan, if I want to see him be a mouthpiece then I'll watch one of his movies. I wanted to see him do some wrestling. I guess I just expected a little bit more.

    * Sheamus vs. Bryan & Cole vs. Lawler

    I also had to scratch my head and wonder how the WWE could pull the Sheamus v Daniel Bryan match and let Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole go for 30 minutes. It just seemed really crazy to me. My biggest disappointment was that two of the best wrestlers in the company, Bryan and Sheamus, didn't get a chance to show what they can do on a WrestleMania. I thought Lawler v Cole was built up really well, with most fans wanting to get their hands round Cole's neck by the time WrestleMania came. But I don't know why they went so long. It's not a match that needs to go very long. Michael Cole clearly can't actually do anything. That's the part I don't get. It should have been about four or five minutes long max. Sadly going so long, meant they really took all the light away from the other wrestlers that earned it through the year.

    * CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

    He (CM Punk) has got a really good ring presence. Better than anyone else, CM Punk understands his wrestling persona. He's very serious about that character, and I like that passion that he has. It comes across in how he is day-to-day, just being around him. He's a very committed, serious professional. His match with Orton, I thought, was really credible. To put together the match the way they did I thought it complemented both wrestlers, and they really told a good story. I liked the story, I liked the finish. It had a lot of twists and turns, you weren't quite sure what was going to occur. I found myself going along with it all the way through and not knowing what was going to happen next — and to me that is a good wrestling match.

    - Im Miami Herald äußerte sich der WWE Champion The Miz über die WWE-Fans, The Rock sowie WrestleMania 28 in Miami.

    * Reaktionen der Fans

    The fans always cheer me at events like Axxess or the press conferences. Then at live events they boo me, but show me the respect I deserve. They didn’t do that three years ago, when they literally hated me and couldn’t stand me. They changed the channel, when I was on TV. Now I think I’m starting to earn their respect, which is good.

    * The Rock

    The Rock was my favorite growing up. He has always been my favorite. I was able to get in there and upstage him and literally show him that I’m better. It’s like when you see an icon or someone you idolize when you are younger. Then you are in the ring with him and are able to show him up. To show everyone you are better than your idol, there is nothing better than that.

    * WrestleMania 28 in Miami

    I will still be the main event. I plan on still being the WWE champion. I plan on being the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time. It’s just the type of person I am. I am always aiming to be number one and the best. So I will be the champion, the main event and everything everyone else isn’t.


    nachzulesen bei Bret Hart und The Miz im Gespräch

  8. #2618
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    Val Venis shootet gegen John Morrison & Melina

    "Nachdem Trish Stratus letzte Woche Freitag in einem Interview bestätigte, dass John Morrison ihr bei WrestleMania die kalte Schulter und an Ratschlägen ihrerseits absolut kein Interesse zeigte, wird backstage nun vermutet, dass Melina, Morrisons Lebensgefährtin, sich um einen Platz auf der Matchcard des PPVs durch Stratus betrogen fühlte und Morrison diesen Floh ins Ohr setzte.

    Der frühere WWE- und TNA-Wrestler Sean Morley (aka Val Venis) äußerte sich nun mit deutlichen Worten in einer Videobotschaft, was er von John Morrison ("keine Eier") und Melina ("glorifiziertes 'Ringrat'") denkt.

    I've always been really nice to Johnny and Melina. I've always been really nice to them. I don't respect Johnny at all. And, you know, there are several reasons for that. And now, after snubbing Trish for supposedly taking Melina's spot at WrestleMania. You know what? Screw it. The reality of the situation is Melina, it's not your spot! It's Vince McMahon's spot and he's going to put in that spot whoever will be doing the best for the company and it's ain't you, ah-ah! It's Trish! You think you're on the same level as Trish, Melina? Come on! All that respect I might have had for you, which honestly was just a little bit, is completely thrown out the freakin' window now!
    The reality is, your boyfriend Morrison is nothing but a chump ass bitch who has zero nuts! Zero nuts! What is it? First it's Mike Knox, then it's Batista? And the whole time Morrison goes on like, "It's not really happening. It's just, she doesn't really cheat on me." You're a freakin' ho Melina! You know what, I'm not even going to say freakin' anymore, you're a fucking slut, period! And Morrison you wanna go out there, and Melina, and snub, my t-dot girl Trish? Come on!
    Melina, you're not the same level as Trish. If you want that spot so much, why instead of taking it out on Trish and saying, "uhhh she took my spot," why don't you think, "Hmmm... Vince chose Trish for that spot. How can I better improve my charisma, my in-ring ability, my marketability. So that the next time Vince decides to choose someone for a certain spot, you'll choose me." It's called competition. It's called free market competition Melina. But no, you can't handle that. You think you're owed that spot, you ain't owed nothing!
    And then Morrison, you're going to walk around like Batista didn't tag your girl? You're going to walk around like Mike Knox didn't tag your girl? By the way, how does Mike Knox taste? How does Batista taste? How does, God knows how many other guys she's banged right under your nose. In fact, it wasn't even under your nose! You just pretend it was under your nose! You know the whole time it was f*****g going on! God dang! So all and all, while you walk around snubbing Trish, a future Hall of Famer, you try and turn a ho into a house wife! Melina's nothing more than a glorified ring rat. I have zero respect for you Morrison.
    And you know what? We're going to run into each other at some point in time. I'll walk right up to you with my chin stuck out and you either chin me, or beat it! But the reality is, you ain't got the balls to chin me! Cause the reality is, Trish has proven time and time again, to the entire world for that matter, that she has way bigger balls than you'll ever have.
    Keep trying to turn that ho into a house wife! F**k you Melina! F**k you Morrison! Trying to knock my t-dot girl Trish, who actually earned a spot! God dang!


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  9. #2619
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    Jim Ross über Edge, Extreme Rules & WWE-Talente

    "* Edges Rücktritt und Zukunft

    Great to see Edge fulfill his commitments and travel with WWE on this European tour to say adiós to his fans. I can still vividly remember hiring Edge and Christian out of Ontario back in the day and then signing them both to a full time deal one night at a TV taping under the bleachers of an arena that slips my mind at the moment. Edge has so much to give to the business and I'm relatively certain that WWE will utilize Edge's many skills in the future.

    * sein Match bei Extreme Rules

    Hard to believe that some fans want to know what I'm wearing for our tag team 'match' at Extreme Rules. Haven't given it much thought. My lack of grappling skill is going to make this a train wreck without fail. If I have to be in the ring with Swagger, perhaps I should wear a suit of amour but he would likely dent that just as he ripped my ankle that's still sore after all these weeks. Hopefully Swagger sees the light and bails on Cole as the former Sooner has embarrassed himself enough with his relationship with the Syracuse grad. When one gets out of their element, as I will do in Tampa at Extreme Rules, it certainly creates an adrenaline rush notwithstanding some levels of self doubt as well.

    * WWE-Talente müssen sich steigern

    It is crunch time for several WWE Superstars to rise to the occasion and assume leadership and main event roles on both the Raw and Smackdown roster. I hope that we don't hear from those that don't take it to the next level that the sole culprit of them not making it was everyone but the Superstar themselves. There are so many potentially excellent talents now competing on WWE rosters but they all have to work diligently to make themselves special no matter the situation that they may find themselves in at any given time.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über Edge, Extreme Rules & WWE-Talente

  10. #2620
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    Melina reagiert auf Anschuldigungen, Val Venis teilt weiter aus

    "Am vergangenen Freitag reagierte Melina via Twitter auf die gegen sie erhobenen Anschuldigungen der "hasserfüllten" Menschen, womit sie wohl in erster Linie Val Venis meint.

    In Dublin. Such a beautiful day. Listening to TI-Live Your Life. There are hateful people trying to hurt others to make themselves feel better. [...] People... Just live your life. Enjoy today peeps and love the people who are there for you to the fullest.

    Val Venis legte wenig später einige Kohlen nach und antwortete auf den Tweet des früheren NWA World Tag Team Champion "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson, dass er erster Klasse fliegen würde, folgendermaßen.

    If Melina is on your flight, I am sure u could easily become a member of the mile high club.


    nachzulesen bei Melina reagiert auf Anschuldigungen, Val Venis teilt weiter aus

  11. #2621
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    WWE Draft für kommende Woche verkündet

    "Wie das USA Network auf ihrer Homepage bekannt gab, kommt es nächste Woche zum allseits beliebten WWE Draft. Bei dem Draft wechseln Superstars von Raw und Smackdown den Brand, dies wird hauptsächlich getan, damit man frische Fehden präsentieren kann.

    Hier die Pressemitteilung:


    The entire roster of WWE Superstars and Divas will take part in the 2011 WWE Draft next week, April 25, on MONDAY NIGHT RAW live on USA Network at 9/8c.

    In a thrilling night of television, all WWE Superstars and Divas, including WWE Champion The Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara along with WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella, Eve and Kelly Kelly could be drafted to either RAW or SmackDown.

    After Monday Night’s momentous draft, John Cena could be on “Friday Night Smackdown,” which airs each week on Syfy at 8/7c and Rey Mysterio could be coming to MONDAY NIGHT RAW.

    The Annual WWE Draft is a chance to renew old rivalries or have WWE Superstars face off against each other for the very first time, bringing a new and fresh feel to each show.

    For more details on the WWE Draft, log onto WWE: Homepage.

    Quelle: PWInsider"

    nachzulesen bei WWE Draft für kommende Woche verkündet

  12. #2622
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    Update zu Extreme Rules: große Veränderungen im WWE Championship Match, Stipulation für Announcer Match

    "Nachdem Raw aus England über die US-amerikanischen Bildschrime geflimmert ist, hat die WWE einige Neuigkeiten für ihren anstehenden Extreme Rules PPV bekannt gegeben.

    Zu aller erst gibt es wichtige Veränderungen im WWE Championship Match. In diesem sollten ursprünglich John Cena, Champion The Miz und R-Truth antreten. Letzterer verlor bei Raw allerdings ein Match gegen John Morrison, welcher damit seinen Spot übernimmt. Des Weiteren wurde verkündet, dass der Three Way ein Steel Cage Match wird.

    Auch zum bereits angekündigten Tag Team Match mit Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross gegen Michael Cole & Jack Swagger wird eine Stipulation ergänzt: so werden die vier in einem Street Fight Match gegeneinander antreten.

    Hier die aktuelle Card:

    WWE Extreme Rules
    Tampa, Florida

    WWE Championship - Three Way Steel Cage Match
    The Miz (c) vs. John Cena vs. John Morrison

    World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder Match
    Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian

    Street Fight
    Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger


    nachzulesen bei Update zu Extreme Rules: große Veränderungen im WWE Championship Match, Stipulation für Announcer Match

  13. #2623
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    Awesome Kong, erste Entlassung?, Ziggler mit neuem Look, Heelturn bei Raw, Neuzugang bei Smackdown-Roster

    "- Seit zwei Wochen werden bei Raw und Smackdown Videos von der ehemaligen Awesome Kong gezeigt. Berichten des PWInsiders zufolge wird Kong unter dem Namen Kharma auftreten, einen Namen, den sich die WWE bereits im Dezember gesichert hat. Ein Debütdatum ist hingegen noch nicht bekannt.

    - Der ehemalige Security-Guard von Tyson Kidd, Jackson Andrews, wurde von der Website von Florida Championship Wrestling entfernt. Dies lässt auf eine Entlassung sowie einem evtl. Startschuss der angekündigten Entlassungswelle schließen.

    - Bei Raw trat Dolph Ziggler mit einem neuen Look auf: anstatt mit längeren blonden Haaren präsentierte er sich mit kurzen braunen Haaren. Bilder kann man hier sehen.

    - Bei Raw kam es außerdem zu einem Heelturn: R-Truth turnte nach seinem Match gegen John Morrison.

    - Jack Korpela, Announcer des Smackdown-Teils bei WWE Superstars, wurde nun der Roster-Page von Smackdown hinzugefügt.

    Quellen: PWInsider,"

    nachzulesen bei Awesome Kong, erste Entlassung?, Ziggler mit neuem Look, Heelturn bei Raw, Neuzugang bei Smackdown-Roster

  14. #2624
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    Update zu Extreme Rules: weiteres Match auf der Card

    "Wie Joey Styles vor wenigen Minuten über Twitter verkündete, wird es bei Extreme Rules neben den bereits bekannten Matches zu einem weiteren Kampf kommen. In diesem treten Randy Orton und CM Punk in einem Last Man Standing Match gegeneinander an. Die WWE hat dieses Match noch nicht bestätigt, allerdings dürfte dies nicht mehr lange dauern.

    Quelle: Twitter"

    nachzulesen bei Update zu Extreme Rules: weiteres Match auf der Card

  15. #2625
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    Erste Informationen zum Draft: Datum, mögliche Kandidaten

    "Bereits gestern berichteten wir darüber, dass die WWE auch dieses Jahr den alljährlichen Draft abhalten wird. Etwas überraschend wurde verkündet, dass der Draft bereits in der kommenden Woche stattfinden wird.

    Der Grund hierfür könnte unter anderem mit dem Retirement von Edge zusammen hängen. Nach dessen Ausscheiden aus Smackdown ist nämlich kaum ein Top-Face im blauen Brand anzutreffen - mit Ausnahme von Rey Mysterio und gelegentlichen Auftritten vom Undertaker.

    Aus diesem Grund gibt es bereits reichliche Spekulationen, wer vom Raw Brand zu Smackdown wechseln wird. Hierbei fallen immer wieder drei Namen: John Morrison, Randy Orton und John Cena.

    Während es zuerst hieß, dass Christian die Rolle von Edge beerben wird, werden diese Gerüchte immer leiser. Dafür wird John Cena für die Smackdown-Ausgabe nach dem Draft beworben und ist damit derzeit der wahrscheinlichste Kandidat für einen Wechsel.

    Dennoch bleibt uns am Ende nur abwarten, denn die WWE hat es eigentlich in fast jedem Jahr geschafft, alle beim Draft zu überraschen. So z.B. auch Jim Ross, welcher seine Vorfreude auf den Draft wie folgt kommentierte: "Not sure my presence will be needed yet @ wwe draft. I have no fond draft memories re: '08 & going to SDown. Still don't agree w/ decision."

    Quellen:, PWTorch"

    nachzulesen bei Erste Informationen zum Draft: Datum, mögliche Kandidaten