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Thema: Wrestling News

  1. #2461
    Registriert seit
    Jim Ross über Shawn Michaels, Sting, Chris Jericho und mehr

    "* Gerüchte über HBKs aktives Wrestling-Comeback

    There is absolutely no chance that HBK is going to come out of retirement to wrestle the Undertaker at WM27 in Atlanta. No chance.

    * WrestleMania 28 unter freiem Himmel

    I have mixed emotions about Wrestlemania 28 going outdoors with no dome to protect the event from the elements and to retain the crowd noise. I have been to the stadium in Miami for several games and it can get loud there so perhaps the noise issue may be less of an issue than some perceive. Nonetheless no one can control Mother Nature as I can attest by simply looking out my window where I'm sitting.

    * Sting und WWE

    Sorry that some take exception when they ask for my opinion and I simply give it. No...I do not think that Sting is going to sign with WWE and wrestle the Undertaker at WM27. For those 'Oliver Stone's' out there that have it all figured out and are threatening to 'boycott' WM27 over this self induced fiasco, do whatever it is that makes you happy. I'm fairly certain that if Sting and WWE wanted to do business together that it would get done.
    Plus, even though there is obvious renewed interest in the Sting persona, if I were WWE I would not do a Sting DVD until I had access to the man himself so that a proposed Sting DVD would not be a compilation but rather a documentary. I'd be happy to sit off camera and conduct the interview, for the record.
    Or, let the 'Voice of WWE' do it.

    * sein WWE-Vertragsstatus

    Emailer asked me if I was able to do other talent work outside WWE or would my contract prevent such? I don't have a talent contract with WWE but am a proud employee. I am able to do free lance projects outside WWE as long as they are not pro wrestling gigs which honestly don't interest me at this time. Theoretically, I could do MMA , football, etc with no apparent issues. There is nothing on the 'horizon' other than my desire to broadcast Oklahoma Sooner football this fall on radio. There's no new news on that front and, as I have said before, I feel that I'm in the hunt but a long shot.

    * seine Pläne fürs WrestleMania-27-Wochenende

    I'm considering a few fan convention opportunities in the future. I don't make many of them and never have due to the lack of available time but I'm going to try and do a few more selected appearances during 2011. I will continue to turn down Saturday appearances during college football season as I would rather go watch OU play than to miss the game to earn a payday elsewhere.
    I will be appearing at WM27 Axxess Friday night at the HUGE, THQ function....Saturday morning with The King at a WWE Hall of Fame signing, and Sunday around noon for a Q&A. Plus, we will have our products at the main, WWE merchandise stand throughout Axxess.

    * Chris Jerichos neues Buch "Undisputed"

    Chris mixes WWE experiences with his band Fozzy's tales of the road and rock 'n roll to create a unique balance within 'Undisputed.' When I get through with a wrestling chapter I can't wait to read more but then I read a Fozzy chapter and I become intrigued about the music business and life as a 'rock star.' One thing that many casual fans don't know is that Jericho was one of the more physical guys with legit toughness to step into a WWE ring under my watch which was both a blessing and a curse as you will see when you read 'Undisputed' of which I HIGHLY recommend.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über Shawn Michaels, Sting, Chris Jericho und mehr

  2. #2462
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    Kevin Nash im Interview, Triple H und Big Show über Nash

    "- Kevin Nash war in der vergangenen Woche bei Monday Night Mayhem im Gespräch und äußerte sich u.a. über eine Reunion der Kliq und seine Zukunft in der WWE.

    * In-Ring-Zukunft bei der WWE

    I mean, your guess is as good as mine as far as if I'm actively going to wrestle. I know I've got some stuff I'm doing with THQ this week for the video games. I just play it day by day.

    * Antwort auf Dixie Carters Behauptung, er hätte unter TNA-Vertrag gestanden bevor er bei WWE unterschrieb

    Yes I was. The angle was Kurt [Angle] was beating Jeff [Jarrett]. Fortune came down, put the boots to Kurt, and got heat on them. Abyss came down and had a 2x4 basically nailed to his spinal cord, which maybe just seemed a little strange for me that that would at least be attempted murder. If Abyss was not paralyzed from the neck down the next week, it would kind of seem like a foolish thing to do. Flair screamed back up, and Kurt made a comeback on the entire Fortune group and basically cleared the ring. What reason was I coming in for? If Kurt can beat them on his own, I definitely don't need to come in there.

    * Reunion der Kliq am WrestleMania-Wochenende?

    I talked to Sean [Waltman], and I'm sure he will be there. Scott's [Hall] kind of the wild card of it. Of course Paul [Triple H] will induct Shawn, and I will be there. I guess Scott is the wild card. The last time I talked to him, he was thinking about going back into a rehabilitation center, so I don't if he is going to be available to be there that weekend or not.

    - Bei sprach Kevin Nashs Freund Triple H u.a. über seine bevorstehende Rückkehr sowie die Comebacks von Big Daddy Cool und Booker T.

    * seine WWE-Rückkehr

    The rumor is that I'll be back for WrestleMania. Yeah, so that's the rumor, but I'll be back sooner than later. We're still promoting [The Chaperone movie] through the WWE shows so obviously people are awaiting my return. So I'll be back sooner than later.

    * Kevin Nash & Booker T in der WWE

    You know, I don't think either of those guys are looking to do things full time but it's great nostalgia stuff for the fans. If you were a fan fifteen years ago or so and Diesel walks out, it's like reliving your youth. And seeing this guy who you haven't seen in a long time is great. [...] Kevin's still in phenomenal shape and so is Booker. So it's pretty exciting for the fans. I don't think it's something that they want to see them do every day but if you're a baseball fan and you get the opportunity to watch Babe Ruth take a turn at bat, you'd be thrilled. You wouldn't want to see him play the whole game probably but seeing him take a turn at bat would be a lot of fun. I think that's kind of what we have the ability to offer people.

    - Der größte Athlet der Welt Big Show wurde diese Woche vom Miami Herald interviewt und sprach u.a. über The Rock und dessen mögliche Aufnhame in die Hall of Fame im kommenden Jahr sowie Kevin Nashs Comeback.

    * The Rock

    You look at the impact The Rock had on our industry from the short time he has been in the business to the megastar he is today. I think if anyone deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, I’m sure The Rock does. [...] That is a guy who is legendary and deserves every bit of his success. Plus, Dwayne Johnson is one of the finest and nicest people I met in my life. There are a lot of guys that you meet in this business. There are people you don’t like and people you do like. I have incredible respect for Dwayne and his entire family. I respect the man and the character he has. He’s awesome.

    * Kevin Nash

    I learned a lot from him, when I was in the NWO. When I was a greenhorn, he helped me out a lot. I’m a little bit more of a seasoned veteran now, so if he wants to dance one more time as a partner or opponent, I’ll shake his hand in the middle of the ring, and we will lock horns. I have no problem with that what so ever.


    nachzulesen bei Kevin Nash im Interview, Triple H und Big Show über Nash

  3. #2463
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    Carl Ouellet gibt Rücktritt vom aktiven Geschehen bekannt

    "Der frühere 3fache WWF World Tag Team Champion Carl Ouellet (43) gab am Dienstag in einem Interview mit Quebecs größtem Radiosender "CKAC Sports 730 AM" seinen Rücktritt vom Wrestling bekannt. Seinen letzten Kampf absolvierte er im Juni 2010 gegen Desmond Wolfe.

    Sein Debüt gab er 1987 und trat unter verschiedenen Namen auf, u.a. Pierre-Carl Ouellett(e), Quebecer Pierre und Jean-Pierre Lafitte, und bestritt Matches für World Wrestling Federation, World Championship Wrestling, Extreme Championship Wrestling und Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.

    Bei SLAM! Wrestling bestätigte er am Mittwoch das Ende seiner Karriere.

    I wrestled in more than 30 countries, on all five continents. I was three-time WWE tag team champion, I've wrestled against the best of my era and for all the major promotions. When you choose wrestling as your career, you don't have space for anything else in your life. Wrestling becomes your life. But after a while, you realize that there is more than wrestling. I have other projects I want to work on, but I couldn't invest myself 100% in those with wrestling still around.

    Ouellet wrestlete während seiner gesamten Karriere mit einem Glasauge, da er sein rechtes Auge mit 12 Jahren verlor, als ihm ein Freund unbeabsichtigt mit einem Luftgewehr ins Auge schoss.


    nachzulesen bei Carl Ouellet gibt Rücktritt vom aktiven Geschehen bekannt

  4. #2464
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    Jerry Lawlers Mutter verstorben

    "Wie heute bekannt wurde, ist am Wochenende die Mutter des WWE-Kommentators und -Hall-of-Famers Jerry "The King" Lawler verstorben. Hazel Lawler wurde 90 Jahre alt und litt seit sechs Jahren an der Alzheimer-Krankheit. Im letzten Jahr verschlimmerte sich ihr Zustand drastisch.

    Die Gedenkfeier fand heute beim "Family Funeral Care" in Memphis, Tennessee statt. Unsere Gedanken sind bei Jerry Lawler und dessen Angehörigen.


    nachzulesen bei Jerry Lawlers Mutter verstorben

  5. #2465
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    Interviews mit The Pope und The Miz

    "- TNA-Wrestler "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero war kürzlich mit The UK Sun im Gespräch und äußerte sich zu folgenden Themen.

    * Elijah Burke (WWE) vs. D'Angelo Dinero (TNA)

    It all comes down to the promoting of one's character. That doesn't just involve the person themselves, but it involves the company, as well, that the individual is wrestling for. That plays a big part in what works and what doesn't work. You watch the company up north and they will take a character and shove it down your throat. They tell you 'this is what we want to work so you're going to cheer or you're going to boo'.
    Who remembers Elijah Burke but a diehard fan? Pope has become far more known than Elijah Burke ever was in the three years he was with WWE. What does that say about self-promoting? What does that say about TNA's promoting?

    * Fehde mit Samoa Joe

    I want you to keep a close eye on this situation. I'm going to show how it's going to be THE feud to watch in all of wrestling. You got Pope - I mean, you got POPE - then you got Joe. You got the Samoan Submission Machine, the guy is a monster in the ring, with his aggression and everything.
    Pope will handle all the juckin' and jivin', pimpin' and the ridin'. Pope will handle all the talking, the charismatic features and abilities that should be applied in the ring. Pope is going to handle all the showboating. Joe's going to handle the rest. I think it's going to be a great complement to each other, being that we're both so different. When we get in the ring, magic is going to happen.

    - WWE Champion The Miz sprach vor Kurzem mit u.a. über den Gewinn der WWE Championship, das "Miz Girl" und Tough Enough.

    * Gewinn der WWE Championship

    [There were] so many emotions that went through my head [when winning the belt]. When I first won it, when the 1-2-3 happened, I couldn't control my excitement, it was just exuding. Once I got the title, it kind of went to an 'oh my god' moment, it takes your breath away. And when I was up on the second rope, I remember raising the belt going, 'Oh my god, I'm raising the WWE Championship as the WWE Champion.' And I felt myself choke up, I felt myself getting teary eyed. And I was like, 'Wait a second. You can't do that. You're the WWE Champion.'
    Then I went out of the ring, Alex Riley was there and we both celebrated together. Feeling his excitement made me feel even more excited. So that's kind of the first three minutes of my WWE Championship [reign].

    * "Miz Girl"

    [She] made my championship reign, it was great. That's how pissed off people were of me [winning]. Everyone thought I'd be the first person to get the Money in the Bank contract and lose. Everyone thought so, but that didn't happen.

    * Tough Enough

    I tried out. Made it. Didn't win. But impressed the execs enough that they gave me a [development] contract to go to the Deep South [and train]. I stopped doing reality shows, took a payout, went there and hoped for the best.


    nachzulesen bei Interviews mit The Pope und The Miz

  6. #2466
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    Jim Ross über Lawlers Push, Tough Enough und Hall-of-Fame-Ausstrahlung

    "* Jerry Lawlers Push

    For any wrestling fan to begrudge Jerry Lawler of getting the opportunities that are coming his way that hopefully lead to his first ever Wrestlemania bout is senseless and embarrassing to even address. It's beyond stupidity. King has been entertaining fans for 40 years and working in WWE for 18 years. If Jerry Lawler hasn't earned his opportunity to perform at Wrestlemania then no one in WWE has. No one.
    In today's transitional marketplace where many younger talents are being given to the ball to run with and being provided, for many, with pre-mature opportunities, Lawler is arguably in the top three of all the fan favorites on Monday Night Raw along with John Cena and Randy Orton. King knows his craft, is a master in-ring psychologist, and will make who ever he performs with better.

    * Tough-Enough-Sendeplan

    Good to see that USA Network is going to air the new, Tough Enough three times a week. As I have said before, Tough Enough is a major priority for WWE/USA Network and they are relying on a battle tested, outside production company to make this version of the reality show hot.

    * Hall-of-Fame-Ausstrahlung am Montag

    I like the idea of USA broadcasting the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony on Monday night prior to MNR that follows WM27. The show will be slicker, better edited/produced and should be a fast paced, one hour show. I wonder if WWE: Homepage will carry the 2011 HOF Induction Ceremony live on line on Saturday night?


    nachzulesen bei Ross über Lawlers Push, Tough Enough und Hall-of-Fame-Ausstrahlung

  7. #2467
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    Triple H und Jerry Lawler im Gespräch

    "- Der "King of Kings" Triple H wurde von interviewt um den neuen Streifen "The Chaperone" aus den WWE Studios zu promoten.

    * sein nächster WWE-Spielfilm "Inside Out"

    Well, yeah, it’s almost a “Coen Brothers”-esque kind of slice of life type movie. Michael Rapaport’s in it and Parker Posey and Bruce Dern. It was a lot of fun. A completely different movie and completely different genre of film and different people to work with. Working with kids and Yeardley and even Annabeth Gish and Kevin Corrigan, it was laughing all the time. I mean, it was just funny all the time. I laughed all the time with Michael Rapaport too, but that was just more serious. When Bruce was there, he’s such a great actor and it’s very serious. I mean, Parker, she’s a phenomenal actress.

    * verbleibende Herausforderungen im Wrestling

    You know, from that standpoint, it’s not a challenge anymore. I just read an interview with The Rock the other day where he said why he went into Hollywood. He’d done everything he wanted to accomplish in the WWE. I kind of feel like I’ve done that, but I still just enjoy the process. It’s not for me about the challenge of, “Can I do this anymore?” It’s more now about the challenge of like, just going out there, and we’ll do WrestleMania and there’ll be 75,000 people, and if you can’t get a rush outta that, something’s wrong with you, you know? So, to me, that’s just fun.

    * Gibt ihm WrestleMania immer noch einen "Kick"?

    Oh my God, yeah. It’s still a rush, and the adrenaline, and it’s performing. I mean, you can do fifty movies. If you still enjoy making movies, you enjoy making movies. I enjoy being in the ring and performing in front of fans. When I get the opportunity to do it, I have a lot of fun doing it. If I get the opportunity to do the right movie, I’ll have a lot of fun doing that. To me, at this point, I’ve got three kids and they come first, then everything else is just what I feel like I want to do, and what will I enjoy?

    * Sieht er sich selbst in einer Vorbild-Rolle?

    I like that we have the influence to make people happy, Make a Wish kids, or any kid, or something like that, “to put smiles on their faces,” as Vince always says. That’s what we’re looking for. I don’t like when people say, “Well, you’re a role model” perse, because I feel like parents should be the role models and should tell kids what’s right and wrong, not a character on television. While I still see that and take that seriously, I think there’s a lot of things that happen now in the media where they tear people down for the smallest thing and say what horrible role models they are when nobody would’ve ever known about that if the media didn’t put it out there, so who’s the bad role model? Guys get in trouble now for doing things that every person in the world does, not that it’s the right thing to do. It’s just people make mistakes. They make bad decisions, and everybody does, and all the people that are throwing accusations at ‘em all have skeletons in their closet, and things they wish, “God, I wish I never did that.” That’s the way it is.

    - WWE Hall of Famer und No.1-Herausforderer auf die WWE Championship von The Miz sprach in einem Shoot-Interview mit World Wrestling Insanity über das größte Match seine WWE-Karriere am kommenden Sonntag bei Elimination Chamber.

    * Reaktionen auf den Tod seiner Mutter

    It has been an extremely tough week and I want to thank - if any of your listeners were some of the thousands, literally thousands, - I was amazed at the emails, texts, facebook friends and that sort of response from so many people with their condolences and sympathies and that sort of stuff. It meant a tremendous amount to me.

    * The Miz Reaktion auf das Ableben seiner Mutter

    [Miz] didn't want me to use the passing of my mother as an excuse to lose at The Elimination Chamber. In reality, if the young man were in his right mind, he'd know I would not use that as an excuse but as motivation to make my mom proud of me.

    * möglicher Gewinn der WWE Championship

    It couldn't unfold any better. If that were the case, if I were to win Sunday and be in WrestleMania as the WWE Champion, it's like a dream come true. To me, that would be better than a Rocky movie. It would be absolutely amazing. We'll have to see how that unfolds. That's what I have the opportunity to do and - gosh - you couldn't ask for a better opportunity.

    * Wrestling gegen Michael Cole

    I'll I can tell you is that the majority of comments and emails and communications with all the fans, that seems to be the one thing that everybody wants. Michael Cole has got everybody just completely ticked off. They want to see him get his and it seems they want me to be the one to do it. It's amazing because almost every correspondence I got about my mom from wrestling fans, they'd say something like, 'Dear Jerry, we're really sorry and send our condolences on the loss of your mom and hope everything works out and please, by the way, punch Michael Cole in the mouth.' Who knows? I think that might be an interesting match.


    nachzulesen bei Triple H und Jerry Lawler im Gespräch

  8. #2468
    Registriert seit
    Jim Ross über The Rock, Identität des RAW-GM, Jerry Lawlers Titelkampf

    "* The Rocks Herausforderung an John Cena

    Some fans are hammering us on Twitter @JRsBBQ proclaiming that it will be Rock vs. Cena at WM27. That's not what I heard. I heard that Rock was Hosting the event which works very well for me. Will there be some sort of Rock/Cena interaction? Sounds that way to me which is why I'm 'staying tuned.'

    * The Rocks Vollzeit-Rückkehr

    Is the Rock coming back to wrestle full time? That's not what I got out of Raw's most electrifying moment in years Monday night. Rock is making an appearance at WM27 to contribute in a major, likely shocking, way to the biggest WWE PPV of the year. Bottom line regarding this question on Twitter is that I DON'T KNOW but I would doubt it. I'm very excited about Wrestlemania. My black hat's off to WWE.

    * The Rocks WWE-Pläne nach WM27

    I have no idea what Rock's plans are as they relate to WWE after WM27. I haven't given it much thought but many fans are seemingly obsessed in knowing what the Rock's plans are for the future. I don't see Rock emotionally ever leaving the WWE Universe but I also don't see him appearing as a 'regular' on WWE programming in the future either which is why this Wrestlemania event is so intriguing and is such a must see pay per view. We are attending the event AND buying and taping the PPV.

    * Identität des RAW-GM

    I don't know and furthermore I don't care. When we're supposed to know we will. I'm much more interested in the build to WM27 than I ever will be about who the mysterious (not my descriptor) Raw General manager may or may not be.

    * Jerry Lawlers WWE-Titelkampf am Sonntag

    Jerry is genuinely excited about being in the main event of a WWE PPV which will be this Sunday in Oakland at the Elimination Chamber vs. the Miz for the WWE Title. Personally, I feel that Jerry needs to get away his recent heartaches and get back on the road that he is so comfortable with and, more importantly, get back in the ring which is like a second home for him. King is much more refined and skilled than is the younger, less experienced albeit talented Miz which may bode well for the #1 challenger for the WWE title come Sunday. I would not miss this PPV for the world because I believe that shocks and surprises from WWE will abound over the next few weeks leading into WM27 and no one can argue that Jerry Lawler upsetting Miz to win the WWE title wouldn't be a HUGE shocker.

    * "WWE All Stars"-Videospiel

    The new, THQ produced WWE All Star Video game is getting more and more play as the anticipation builds to it's release the Tuesday of WM27 week. There will be a tie in with JR's Family BBQ on this exciting new game so please watch for details.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über The Rock, Identität des RAW-GM, Jerry Lawlers Titelkampf

  9. #2469
    Registriert seit
    Finale WWE Elimination Chamber Card

    "Morgen Abend findet der zweite WWE PPV im Jahre 2011 statt. Auf der Road to Wrestlemania geht es durch die Elimination Chamber und auf der von uns präsentierten Matchcard können wirklich nur die stärksten überleben:

    Elimination Chamber 2011
    Oakland, Californien

    WWE Championship
    The Miz (c) vs. Jerry Lawler

    RAW Elimination Chamber - #1-Contender for the WWE Title
    Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Sheamus vs. John Cena

    World Heavyweight Championship - Smackdown Elimination Chamber
    Edge (c) vs. ??? vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c) vs. The Corre (Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel)

    Singles Match - Non-Title Match
    Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio


    nachzulesen bei Finale WWE Elimination Chamber Card
    Geändert von Dynamite (24.02.2011 um 23:39 Uhr)

  10. #2470
    Registriert seit
    Jim Ross über SmackDown live, Angle vs. Jarrett, Elimination Chamber

    "* SmackDown live?

    No...I don't ever see Friday Night Smackdown going live, full time IE weekly. It might happen occasionally but it isn't cost effective or travel friendly to do live TV on Mondays, Fridays, and some Sundays and still try to do live event touring. Makes no sense.

    * Angle-Jarrett-Storyline

    An emailer asked me what I thought about recent TNA storylines involving Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jarrett and their children. I'm not a regular viewer of TNA first of all but what I have seen of this storyline that's allegedly based in reality isn't my cup of tea. I could care less what the adults do in their storyline but having minor children involved doesn't personally work for me. TNA isn't my hill to die upon and I harbor no ill will toward them but I find it challenging to believe that some individuals actually think that this is effective, episodic TV.

    * Elimination Chamber

    I'm anxiously looking forward to Sunday's Elimination Chamber PPV from WWE that emanates from Oakland. Obviously, and based on precedent, the Chamber bouts will occupy the majority of the ring time on this event but my focus is on the King vs. Miz bout for the WWE Title. Miz will likely see every trick in the wrestler's handbook in this one and I don't expect this title bout to be a marathon. It can't be a marathon bout if The King Jerry Lawler wants to win the WWE Title IMO. The 61 year old WWE HOF'er, who buried his 90 year old mother on Wednesday, needs to essentially tell us what time it is and not how to make the watch when Jerry looks to make history. Not only would Jerry be the oldest WWE Champion ever, or so I think, he would also be in rarefied air as a WWE Hall of Famer who wins the title after being inducted into the WWE HOF.


    nachzulesen bei Jim Ross über SmackDown live, Angle vs. Jarrett, Elimination Chamber

  11. #2471
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    Elimination Chamber Ergebnisse 20.02.2011

    "Elimination Chamber 2011
    Oakland, Californien

    WWE Championship
    The Miz (c) vs. Jerry Lawler

    RAW Elimination Chamber - #1-Contender for the WWE Title
    John Cena besiegte Randy Orton, CM Punk, John Morrison, R-Truth und Sheamus

    World Heavyweight Championship - Smackdown Elimination Chamber
    Edge (c) besiegte Big Show, Drew McIntyre, Rey Mysterio, Kane und Wade Barrett

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    The Corre (Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel) besiegte Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c)

    Singles Match - Non-Title Match
    Alberto Del Rio besiegte Kofi Kingston (c)

    Trish Stratus ist zurück wird bei Tough Enough als Trainerin fungieren
    Christian gab sein Comeback und schütze Edge vor Attacken von Alberto del Rio nach der SD-Chamber

    Quelle: Diskoking @ Kappler Drehe"

    nachzulesen bei Elimination Chamber Ergebnisse 20.02.2011

  12. #2472
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    Linda McMahon erwägt ernsthaft erneute Senats-Kandidatur 2012

    "Die früherer WWE-Geschäftsführerin Linda McMahon sprach mit der Greenwich Times, dass sie ernsthaft erwägt erneut für die Wahl zur Senatorin von Connecticut im kommenden Jahr anzutreten.

    I'm leaning in that direction. I'm seriously considering another run, but I haven't made up my mind yet ... I'm getting a lot of calls, a lot of encouragement from people around the state. I enjoyed my campaign.

    Eine Rückkehr Lindas zur WWE wird es wohl in naher Zukunft nicht geben.

    I have no plans to return to WWE.

    Daniel Kelly, Geschäftsführer der Demokratischen Partei von Connecticut, äußerte sich zu Linda McMahons möglicher Kandidatur folgendermaßen.

    I think she runs, and, if she runs, her money, I'm sure, makes her a formidable candidate within the Republican primary. But if she gets to the general [election], she's the same Linda McMahon, and she has the same failed record of laying off employees and paying herself millions, the same record of steroid abuse and degradation of women in the WWE and she spent nearly 50 million in one of the most Republican years ever and came up short.

    Christopher Healy, Vorsitzender der Republikaner im Bundesstaat Connecticut, hatte auch einen Kommentar für seine Parteifreundin übrig.

    I think she's doing what anybody would do. I think she's been evaluating what the campaign was about, what was good, what was bad. I think that's appropriate for anyone running for statewide office next year. You've got to start early.


    nachzulesen bei Linda McMahon erwägt ernsthaft erneute Senats-Kandidatur 2012

  13. #2473
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    Zweiter Hall of Fame Teilnehmer angekündigt

    "Bei Monday Night Raw ging es in dieser Woche endlich mit der Ankündigung der Hall of Fame Mitglieder in diesem Jahr weiter. Hierbei wurde Hacksaw Jim Duggan als nächster Teilnehmer verkündet. Hacksaw wird von Ted DiBiase Sr. in die Hall of Fame aufgenommen.

    Quelle: LoP"

    nachzulesen bei Zweiter Hall of Fame Teilnehmer angekündigt

  14. #2474
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    "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - Ein US-amerikanischer Patriot

    "James Stuart Duggan wuchs in Glens Falls, New York, auf. Nach einer erfolgreichen Zeit als College-Footballer schien der Schritt zum NFL-Profi nur logisch. Jedoch machten diverse Knieverletzungen ihm und den Atlanta Falcons einen Strich durch die Rechnung, sodass er Fuß im Pro Wrestling fassen konnte.

    Die WWE Hall of Famer Fritz von Erich sowie Peter Maivia trainierten Duggan, welcher sein erstes Match 1979 gegen Gino Hernandez bestritt. Duggan begann seine Karriere im Ring als Bösewicht. Nach einiger Zeit hatte er die Aufmerksamkeit von Vince McMahon, Sr. und der World Wrestling Federation (WWF) auf sich gezogen. Nach einem recht kurzen Aufenthalt im Nordwesten zog es ihn zu Georgia Championship Wrestling, wo er fortan unter dem Namen "Big" Jim Duggan antrat. Einem Aufenthalt auf Hawaii, wo er maskiert als The Convict auftrat, und in Birmingham, Alabama, folgte ein Abstecher nach San Antonio, Texas, wo er seinen legendären Spitznamen "Hacksaw" erhielt.

    Im Jahre 1982 debütierte Jim Duggan bei Mid-South Wrestling. Dort fehdete er u.a. gegen "Hacksaw" Butch Reed um deren gemeinsamen Spitznamen, Magnum T.A. und Junkyard Dog. Nach dem Wechsel auf die Seite der Publikumslieblinge wurde das hölzerne 2x4 zu seinem Trademark. Mit Magnum T.A. konnte er die Tag Team Championship gewinnen und als letzter Mid-South North American Heavyweight Champion in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen. In der in Universal Wrestling Federation (UWF) unbenannten Mid-South-Promotion zählte er zu den Top-Draws und kämpfte in Main Events und wurde mit Terry Taylor World Tag Team Championship. Nach einem "Loser Leaves Town"-Match gegen One Man Gang Anfang 1987 zog Duggan wieder in Richtung Nordwesten zur WWF.

    Sein erster großer Auftritt erfolgte bei WrestleMania III, als er Nikolai Volkoff beim Singen der sowjetischen Nationalhymne störte. Er gewann nie einen größeren Titel bei der WWF, doch zählte er in den ersten sieben Jahren zu den größten Publikumslieblingen - das überzogene comicartige patriotische Gimmick kam bei den (meist jüngeren) Zuschauern an. Nach der Teilnahme bei der ersten Survior Series, aus welcher sein Team siegreich hervorging, folgte beim ersten Royal Rumble 1988 der Sieg gegen weitere 19 Superstars. Es schlossen sich Fehden gegen "King" Harley Race, André The Giant, Honky Tonk Man, Dino Bravo, Boris Zhukov und Bad News Brown an.

    Nachdem Haku aufgrund einer Verletzung Harley Races den Titel "King of Wrestling" verliehen bekam, legte sich Jim Duggan mit diesem an und konnte ihm auch die Königswürde im Jahre 1989 abspenstig machen. Er verlor die Krone im Laufe des Jahres wieder an Randy Savage. Nach Rivalitäten mit dem Big Bossman, Dino Bravo und Rick Rude, schloss er sich mit dem aufgrund des 1990 erfolgten Umbruchs im Osten geläuterten ehemaligen Anhänger des Sowjet-Kommunismus Nikolai Volkoff zusammen, um gegen den Orient Express (Tanaka & Sato) zu fehden. Der ehemalige Patriot und damalige WWF Champion sowie Irak-Sympathisant Sgt. Slaughter geriet nun auch in Duggans Visier. Nach der Beendigung des Golfkriegs und der Rückkehr Slaughters in die Heimat, formten beide ein realtiv erfolgreiches Tag Team.

    1992 fand sich Duggan in der Undercard wieder. Eine Fehde gegen Yokozuna ging für den Patrioten nicht gut aus. Nach einer kürzeren "verletzungsbedingten" Pause vom TV-Programm und einer Fehde gegen Shawn Michaels verließ er im Jahre 1994 die WWF für ein Engagement bei Ted Turners World Championship Wrestling (WCW). Dort debütierte er bei Fall Brawl mit einem Squash-Sieg gegen "Stunning" Steve Austin um die United States Heavyweight Championship. Bei Starrcade endete die Titelregentschaft aufgrund einer Niederlage gegen Vader. Fortan war Samstag Nacht Duggans Nacht, da er nur noch bei Saturday Night antrat. 1995/96 folgten Fehden gegen Bunkhouse Buck, Meng (aka Haku), Kamala, Big Bubba Rogers (aka Big Bossman), Diamond Dallas Page sowie VK Wallstreet (aka Mike Rotunda). In den kommenden Jahren versinkt Duggan komplett in der Bedeutungslosigkeit innerhalb der Promotion. Die Diagnose Nierenkrebs wirft ihn 1998 aus der Bahn und dem aktiven Geschehen.

    Nachdem er den Krebs erfolgreich besiegt hatte und seine Rückkehr vor den Kameras feierte, wurde er zur Jahrtausendwende Hausmeister der WCW. Eine Fehde gegen Revolution (Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Asya) ging nach einem Turn seiner Partner des Varsity Club (Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotunda, Rick Steiner) verlustreich aus. Ein genauer Blick in eine Mülltonne bescherte Jim Duggan die World Television Championship, nachdem Scott Hall diese entsorgt hatte. Nach einigen Titelverteidigungen bei Saturday Night wurde der Titel im April 2000 eingestellt. Nach einer kurzen Fehde gegen einen bösen Bill Goldberg und dem "Restart" der WCW unter Bischoff/Russo, schloss sich Duggan dem Millionaire's Club in deren Fehde gegen die New Blood an.

    Den zweiten Frühling seiner Karriere erlebte Jim Duggan als Heel in Lance Storms Team Canada in einer Fehde gegen die Misfits In Action (MIA) unter deren Anführer und United States Champion General Hugh E. Rection. Nach mehreren Kommunikationsproblemen während Matches kam es zum Turn Team Canadas gegen Duggan, sodass dieser wieder zum US-Patrioten werden konnte. Der Verkauf der WCW an die WWF brachte vorerst das Ende Duggans Karriere bei den großen Promotions. In den Jahren 2003/04 erfolgten einige wenige Auftritte bei NWA:TNA Wrestling, u.a. als Mitglied des Team Canada.

    Im Jahre 2005 trat "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan bei "Homecoming" RAW auf. Nach einigen Interaktionen mit Rob Conway sowie Edge und Lita wurde er zum Mentor von Eugene Dinsmore und unterstützte ihn in einer Fehde gegen die Spirit Squad. Nach Eugenes Turn fehdeten beide gegeneinander. Die folgenden Jahre waren von Kurzfehden mit Rated-RKO (Edge & Randy Orton), Chris Masters, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase sowie Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix geprägt. Beim "Old-School" RAW im letzten Jahr erfolgte der letzte Auftritt des Mannes mit dem 2x4 als er sich mit den Langzeitrivalen Iron Sheik und Nikolai Volkoff auseinandersetzte.


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    Candice Michelle schwanger! Baby in Gefahr?

    "Letzte Woche Montag gab Candice Michelle bekannt zum zweiten Mal schwanger zu sein.

    On this Valentines Day I'd like to share with my CandiAddicts…I am PREGNANT again! Congrats to those of you who have guessed it! I really want my munchkins to be close together and I'm having the time of my life being a working Mom! [...] The love my family gives me fills me with so much love I wanted to share it with all of you!

    Nun scheinen sich bei Candice mittlerweile ernsthafte medizinische Probleme ergeben zu haben, sodass sie am Montag einen Arzt aufsuchen musste.

    PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! [...] To my friends and fans thanks for the prayers! My hearts broken, been through trama, but healings begining! Will talk after Doc tomorrow and I'm ready! Please know ill be okay!


    nachzulesen bei Candice Michelle schwanger! Baby in Gefahr?